posted ago by Mad_King_Kalak ago by Mad_King_Kalak +6 / -2

I have this theory that this user, Mad King Kalak is a freemason Catholic Sephardic Jew Nazi glownigger fed Mossad boomer normiecon who is also a white racist AI bot. His posts and comments that question groupthink and which challenge my ideas show that he is clearly a paid shill.

For instance, he has posted that 9/11 was a Bush inside job to benefit Israel, but the has also simultaneously posted that Building 7 after burning for 8 hours as a records repository that had a large supply of diesel fuel for the backup generators therein causing it to (partially) collapse indicate he's not to be trusted. Everyone is on the same page about 9/11 after all. And really, he thinks that flat earth is a psyop but also that Christ is King and that the moon landing is real partially because white Nazi scientists paved the way. He also questions the Holocaust but thinks Hitler was a demon possessed lunatic. Totally irreconcilable positions.

In fact, this post is also an "agree and amplify" deflection technique, trying to get out ahead of me exposing him for who he really is.

I welcome your theories.