Please read the side bar. We have a bot that will remove posts made by accounts less than 4 days old and/or with less than 50 points. This is to prevent new accounts from flooding the board with spam and porn. If you want your posts to stay up, get more than 50 upvotes on your account - then there will be no restrictions.
Do you see the issue with this? Go through my other posts and you will see moderators saying the same thing. Why have I never gotten over the limit in the years I've been on here?
Edit: Also, it appears you deleted the video. I wish I would have been able to see it before you did that.
Please read the side bar. We have a bot that will remove posts made by accounts less than 4 days old and/or with less than 50 points. This is to prevent new accounts from flooding the board with spam and porn. If you want your posts to stay up, get more than 50 upvotes on your account - then there will be no restrictions.
Do you see the issue with this? Go through my other posts and you will see moderators saying the same thing. Why have I never gotten over the limit in the years I've been on here?
Edit: Also, it appears you deleted the video. I wish I would have been able to see it before you did that.