She have many good points on problems in modern scientific process in physics, and even expose a lot of scientific bullshit, but suddenly completely unable to apply same approach to anything that even slightly touch modern NWO narratives.
Even her audience constantly point out her obvious hypocrisy when she try to push climatehoax or coronahoax. :)
Well, even scientists need some money to live.
In any case, she is not for unprepared viewer, who easily fall into everything said by a person if this person once said something decent and sane. You need high level of critical thinking ability to extract valid and interesting things from her show.
Second rate standard theoretical physicist with a meager h-index=27.
I don't understand why anyone wastes time watching her.
She can't even get solar forcing and climate change models right.
A propped up jewish (?) pseudo-scholar who babbles materialistic-pseudo-philosophical babble like:
She's just another tool, propped up by the algorithms, telling the usual propaganda.
I can guarantee you will be misinformed, if you follow her stuff. Both in physics and in philosophy.
So thanks for pointing this jew hangout out, pkvi.
She have many good points on problems in modern scientific process in physics, and even expose a lot of scientific bullshit, but suddenly completely unable to apply same approach to anything that even slightly touch modern NWO narratives.
Even her audience constantly point out her obvious hypocrisy when she try to push climatehoax or coronahoax. :)
Well, even scientists need some money to live.
In any case, she is not for unprepared viewer, who easily fall into everything said by a person if this person once said something decent and sane. You need high level of critical thinking ability to extract valid and interesting things from her show.