a) Consenting to a suggestion implies shirking of ones response-ability (free will of choice) onto another.
b) Choice needs to respond to origin (balance), while being tempted to want or not want to respond to suggested outcomes.
c) A chosen one tempts a consenting one with "coward" + "braveheart; hero; lion; champion etc." to keep responding to outcome (suggestion) over origin (perception).
Edit: a hero journey aka from zero to hero tempts one to believe that fighting towards an outcome is heroic, while not fighting is cowardly. In reality...one needs to resist (life) origin (inception towards death), while struggling with the temptation to go along.
If Mario is a hero for journeying through levels; defeating Bowser and saving Peach, then why is there one Mario came after the next with no end in sight? When Shigeru Miyamoto dies...cowards will praise him a hero and continue his legacy by playing Mario games.
a) Consenting to a suggestion implies shirking of ones response-ability (free will of choice) onto another.
b) Choice needs to respond to origin (balance), while being tempted to want or not want to respond to suggested outcomes.
c) A chosen one tempts a consenting one with "coward" + "braveheart; hero; lion; champion etc." to keep responding to outcome (suggestion) over origin (perception).
Edit: a hero journey aka from zero to hero tempts one to believe that fighting towards an outcome is heroic, while not fighting is cowardly. In reality...one needs to resist (life) origin (inception towards death), while struggling with the temptation to go along.
If Mario is a hero for journeying through levels; defeating Bowser and saving Peach, then why is there one Mario came after the next with no end in sight? When Shigeru Miyamoto dies...cowards will praise him a hero and continue his legacy by playing Mario games.