posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +2 / -5

It doesn't matter who gets in. Genocide and death is next. Trump gets in, far left rape murder their way into the White House, instigate a coup with help from the CIA and National Guard, then prop the entire country to Civil War. Harris comes in, dissolves the consitution and replaces it with a new constitution, far right, patriots and nationalists team up to start a revolution with FBI money, then Civil War.

This isn't the end of it, and it gets worse. Exactly how I have said numerous times, but let me warn you. If they ever get their way:

Your women will weep, your children will become monsters, you will become ground meat, your ideals and hopes will be purified by blood, fire and brimstone, and all of modern civilization will be plunged and raped into the depths of hell.

The stage is all set and the actors and instruments are all in place, and it takes only one deliberately bad ballot and some plebians before the modern man gets brutally ground into mush by the artificially moving gears of Illuminati history.