Einstein told us that the speed of light must always, not only appear, but BE the same in every frame of reference no matter how fast we are moving towards or away from it. So even if you are moving at half the speed of light towards a light beam, the entire universe must conspire to either "speed up" or slow down your "time" to account for this difference.
If that makes sense to you, you are no longer sane. You cannot create scenarios of two mutually exclusive events at the same time and call that reality. This is fundamental to reason.
To show this contradiction, consider you are running away from a light beam and towards another at the same time. You move at half the speed of light. Of course in real life you will encounter the light you are moving towards first, but in Einstein's universe both beams MUST (in your world) hit you at the same time. However, in Einstein's universe, someone else will see them hit you at different times because they also MUST see light travel at a certain speed. This is just plain fucking stupid.
At best you can have an illusory effect, but to confuse that with a real difference in simultaneity is to truly give up on reason itself.
Feel free to postulate a scientific theory that invalidates Special Relativity.
Go ahead. Why don´t you?
There are few of them, f.e. Heim theory. Also, there are good theories that invalidate General Relativity too.
Special Relativity, really, is not even a theory. It is nothing more than wrong use of Lorenz transformations applied to the observations made with electromagnetic waves. Things could look weird because you observe them with some relatively slow method of receiving data. Lorenz transformations mathematically describe that distortions.
If you will observe something moving close to the speed of sound using sound waves, and will try to describe what you observe mathematically you will get exactly same formulas as in "Special Relativity", but with speed of sound instead of speed of light. Same Lorenz formulas.
That's it. That jewish swindler just turn everything inside out. Any sane human perfectly understand that if you use some information transmission process with finite speed for receiving data from observation, usage of it will distort your observations and you will have to correct them (with Lorenz math) to find out what happens in reality. Einshtein declared that what you see using that relatively slow EM waves (ligth) is reality, and things you observe happens with observed object for real.
Eihstein only success was that he found a thing that could be perverted believably and mathematically correct to stop or at least slow scientific and engineering progress of humanity. All other work of pushing his shit as dogma was done by other people.
Funny that Einstein was so untalented, that even "his" only research he got Nobel prize for, was literally stolen from his ex-wife. That is why he had to gave all Nobel prize money to her, to keep her silent. She needed money more than fame, because Einshtein keep his family in poverty, because was unable to earn any money due to lack of any talent for science.
Heim was a crackpot who never completed his theory and several of his predictions have been falsified through experiments.
Which of the predictions of Special Relativity have been falsified?
He tried to make theory of everything. As far as I know, relativists failed to do that too.
Several predictions of special relativity was falsified too.
See Gunter Nimtz, f.e. You absolutely can transmit information faster than speed of light. Significnatly faster. And Nimtz experiments was succesfully replicated by independent researchrs multiple times.
So? Special Relativity does not require a Unified Field Theory. What´s your point?
Such as?
Superluminal quantum tunneling is a hypothesis and far from being a theory.