Offer mercy if they give you the keys and codes to their vaults.
Impale them anyways because there is no reason to ever be honest with a lying anti-Christ goblin kike jew.
Confiscate the gold and silver out of their vaults. Strip them of all assets and property they stole from White people. Plus they are now all dead and don't need it anymore.
Live in prosperity and peace in a supreme White nation.
Why are the "experts" the last to know?
Apprehend jews.
Offer mercy if they give you the keys and codes to their vaults.
Impale them anyways because there is no reason to ever be honest with a lying anti-Christ goblin kike jew.
Confiscate the gold and silver out of their vaults. Strip them of all assets and property they stole from White people. Plus they are now all dead and don't need it anymore.
Live in prosperity and peace in a supreme White nation.