posted ago by StormzAComing ago by StormzAComing +9 / -2

I have tried to figure out what this could have been, but chatGPT thinks I'm tripping and searching Google, Yandex, and Reddit for anything similar is useless as you all know.

So I was headed to work this morning, saw a glowing orb under a cloud, moving independently of the cloud. I could clearly see dark silhouettes of planes in the area, this was not a plane.

After a few minutes, it suddenly became 2 parallel lines, then vanished for about 3 minutes. It then reappeared as a single line and split into 3 objects before vanishing. A few seconds later, it reappeared, and appeared to undulate, forming and reforming from definitely 3 objects.

It also got longer with time. A nearby contrail and associated plane silhouette showed that it was not a plane. After disappearing for a minute or so, it reappeared in the opposite direction it had been traveling as a single brilliant dot. It then vanished completely about 20 min after first being seen.

Wtf did I see???