Has anyone ever had a staircase or weird elevator trip that defies physics in a cleanest state of mind as possible to minimize internal influences. On R/No Sleep someone compiled a post of them mostly from 'I'm a ranger' kind of post so I wonder if anyone has any stories either documented or otherwise that isn't a drug addict "I smoked too much' which would definitely influence what you see as it literally does rewire your brain/heart overtime which I won't get into here.
So far people who don't smoke no crap tend to not see no crap though going thru surgeries I think could also be some sort influence but not as long term as your brain isn't being fully rewired to the core.
No. Nobody has ever experienced this.
On R/No Sleep besides the usual stories there's some serious posts about it.
It means there was an old home there once where I live. Sometimes you can find old pictures.
I once found a ladder in the middle of the woods. It was literally 15 miles from the closest rest stop. I say rest stop because that's literally the closest mappable spot. It was one of those double ladders used to get on a roof. One ladder slides up etc.
I was not partaking in any extra carricular activities etc etc. That ladder is probably still there. It was way too long for me to strap to the top of my car.
Not a staircase or elevator but I can say where it was..... impossible to think someone trecked that deep into the woods with a roofing ladder and just left it there. Insane.
My buddies who were with me all came to the conclusion that at some point someone probably came there to setup a hunting stand and left the ladder? Either way, if anyone wants a professional heavy duty aluminum ladder and lives near the northern woods of WI/MN let me know.
Did you get any weird vibes on/around the ladder or any kind of mysterious 'pull' towards it?
Not really.... I was just baffled as to how it ended up there and why. It was in pristine shape also, as if it just got dropped there the day before. Crazy
In a lot of the stories the staircases are in pristine condition and there's a compelling force to make you go up and........well bad things tend to happen to those that wander too far. Look up R/No Sleep stairs in the woods or something along those lines.