posted ago by LeoLittlebook ago by LeoLittlebook +10 / -3

Long have I pondered where a right-wing American man might raise a family in these degenerate times. Unfortunately it is quite difficult to escape Clown World, solarpocalypse, WW3 and Great Depression 2 simultaneously. I have reached a conclusion, and write this as an executive summary only, because I'm busy. I do not believe the vaxxed masses can be saved and therefore prioritize my bloodline's survival. Cataclysms are the great eugenic filter. They remove the idiots who laughed at Noah and at the Mayan calendar ending in 2012 as if it were a bomb countdown instead of a life expectancy.

At one extreme is the Xeno solution, which burrows into the lithosphere. Bedrock is safest during an earthquake. Illuminati and Xenos prize geologically stable, high-elevation mountainous regions. There are established safe zones, such as Elisheva's Denver, Miriam Delicado's 4 corners region, etc. The more benevolent Xenos have assisted Humanity (and the rest of the surface ecosystem) in rebuilding after the previous cataclysms. Earth is a partially-terraformed planet that undergoes periodic cataclysms due to geomagnetic and tectonic instability.

Xenos want high elevation because of the tennis racket effect. When the pole shift (or excursion) occurs, the Earth may wobble, causing unprecedented tsunamis. Extreme weather also results; this may explain the Biblical story in Joshua of the lengthened day and the hail that killed the fleeing Canaanites.

Low population density is also important for security. The Sun has a micronova cycle that determines the Earth's catastrophe clock. Our stellar cluster has entered a region of charged dust and galactic current that will make this micronova cycle much worse, ending Humanity's electrical grid. Rapid depopulation will ensue, with survivors warring over scarce resources.

A Boomer normie will typically shrug and say he'd rather be dead in that scenario. This reveals he is a binary thinker with no racial loyalty. One should simply agree and hope he dies. The severity of the cataclysm varies by region and rapidity, and the survivors enjoy a founder effect like Noah.

Entering the charged galactic zone is a regular occurrence and Humanity's latent "junk" DNA is prepared to Ascend with Earth into a higher dimension, where magic is real. The mRNA shots were designed to ruin this genetic potential by concentrating in the gonads. If the children of the vaxxed have lost their bloodline magical heritage, then Humanity may already be doomed. It is like how we eradicate mosquitoes by releasing sterilized mosquitoes to breed with healthy ones. A species with no "magical" abilities cannot compete with the Xenos who intend to live on Earth's surface after she ascends to 4th Density.

This is happening now. The Veil thins, the Xenos come, Disclosure is gently disseminated, "climate change" accelerates, the tectonic plates shift, nearby stars micronova, etc. Humans are the most hybridized species in the galaxy, explaining our tremendous genetic diversity. Thus it is easy for late-stage Xeno hybrids to pass as Human. (Late-stage means repeatedly backbred into Humans, like if you're 1/16 Cherokee.)

Because there is a substantial spiritual component to this Ascension, you do not want to play urban Rambo and rack up kills shooting looters. Instead you should strive to live in harmony with nature, not offending Earth further, who groans under the Anthropocene extinction. Thus low population density is recommended. Think Great Depression homestead with chickens.

Thus the Rocky Mountains region is best overall in the continental USA, and Idaho specifically is the most right-wing.

The USA is a dead man walking, a zombie determined to infect the world with its rabid bite. There is no cure, no Constitutional path back to sanity. The world's largest nuclear arsenal is controlled by a universal suffrage electorate with declining IQ and testosterone. At most Trump and Barron can glide the deranged empire into a soft crash landing.

I am loathe to fund Bidenbama's Babylon and her wars for AIPAC ZoG. To escape the IRS, one must reside outside the USA. This is an economic sacrifice, and other Anglophone countries are more leftist. However, their leftism is downstream of DC's; they are Eloi enabled by the Pentagon Morlocks. Thus living in client states is acceptably neutral. Billionaires favor New Zealand because its land will rise after the Shift.

To truly oppose the schizophrenic empire of State Department and Pentagon, one must serve its rivals. The Russosphere lacks Anglophone countries, leaving the Sinosphere. Southeast Asia will sink, but not all at once. Hong Kong is thus safe enough for now, unlike Singapore and the Philippines.

Therefore my preferred expat plan is to summer vacation in an Alaskan homestead (non-resident) and work in Hong Kong. Alaska is the second most separatist state (after Texas), and losing it to Russia would devastate the Evil Un-American Empire. Alaska will benefit from the Shift, warming greatly.

Hong Kong is a substantially-Anglophone capitalist city that just had its leftist social justice movement crushed by Emperor Xi (PBUH). Thanks to the large population of hard-working pro-American Filipino maids, it is impossible not to notice the profound impact of racial IQ upon economic class. There is no need to actually visit the Philippines to learn this lesson, as all the maids camp out on public walkways during the weekend.

There are two problems with Hong Kong: It's a gene-shredder, and it will turn hostile to Americans when the US fights China over Taiwan.

Hong Kong is a gene-shredder, meaning a rich city where smart people come to live in small apartments and have 1.2 children. I have developed several theses on how to fix family cohesion and fertility; see here under Sociobiology.

Kids need space to run with their pet dogs. This creates an excessive commute if the husband returns home every night. The solution is suburban polygamy. One wife attends the husband in the city; the other raises kids in the suburbs. The wives swap regularly.

That's an extreme case. Historically, similar results have been achieved by a monogamous wife's support network: grandparents, girlfriends, etc. Less ideally, the dad takes an urban mistress who doesn't get children, or he visits prostitutes.

Anyway, "suburban polygamy" is an amusing slogan. It encapsulates the idea that a man should not take a wife until he has land for her to raise kids on. If he works in the city, and has no support network to assist with suburban childrearing, then conceivably he should wait until he can afford two wives so they can rotate. Obviously monogamy is easier in the countryside.

The other problem with Hong Kong is WW3. Again, Hong Kong is relatively insulated. Americans will be driven out of Mainland China first; then it's time for Hong Kongers to retreat to Alaska. WW3 will force the USA to become conservative, and fostering Alaskan separatism will be sufficient contribution to global peace.

If you prefer a more neutral island, Iceland is nice. It will rise and warm during the shift. Though it once hosted anti-Semite Bobby Fischer and BTFO'd the banksters, it currently has hate-speech laws. It is pretty open to immigration. I could see myself wintering in Florida, where Atlantis will rise and the Trump dynasty reign, and summering in Iceland. Here's the map: Europe will sink.

There's a lot more. Most credible sources of Xeno Disclosure discuss the coming "Earth changes". Sources such as Humans, Zetas and Anunnaki are Fallen, Archontic and often Legally required to mix disinfo into their warnings to create doubt so as not to infringe on our free will by appearing as omniscient gods. The Faithful Xeno sources give less detail, but are more trustworthy. See the Padgettites, Jesus' novel "For the Love of His Own Creation" and the Sasquatch Message trilogy by Sunbow.

Why don't the aliens just appear and prove themselves and save us all? That would wreak havoc on our afterlives, which are shaped by our beliefs and dominated by Earth's religions. Their perspective is far greater than ours; death is only a transition. A child may as well question why an adult doesn't save him from flunking junior high by doing his homework for him. Whatever you think they ought to do, remember: It's been tried.