Needing to resist (life) linear (inception towards death) progression or wanting to follow suggested progressivism.
TPTB have a rolodex
Reasoning among many aka circular logic implies the rolodex (rolling index) utilized by few, while many ignore power (motion) of being (matter).
to arrive at a destination through numerous scenarios
Same destination (death); different scenarios (life)...numerology (reasoning about enumeration) tempts ONE to ignore the ONE and only scenic route to each ONES final destination.
Sleight of hand:
"Here we go, yo, here we go, yo" (inception towards death)
"So what, so what, so what's the scenario?" (life)
Why is life struggling with self discernment?
both war and no-war
Yes vs no implies a conflict of reason aka the foundation of war.
Needing to resist (life) linear (inception towards death) progression or wanting to follow suggested progressivism.
Reasoning among many aka circular logic implies the rolodex (rolling index) utilized by few, while many ignore power (motion) of being (matter).
Same destination (death); different scenarios (life)...numerology (reasoning about enumeration) tempts ONE to ignore the ONE and only scenic route to each ONES final destination.
Sleight of hand:
Why is life struggling with self discernment?
Yes vs no implies a conflict of reason aka the foundation of war.
a) Slave/slav/slovo - "word; speech"...
b) Perceivable sound sets choice free; suggested words bind choice by consent.
Aka suggested progressivism tempting ones consent to follow into a conflict of reason (war) against other ones.