posted ago by DrLeaks2 ago by DrLeaks2 +10 / -2

This guy's account could be legit, but just for the sake of argument. Imagine if this guy is also an alt of the same shill assigned here and if him, donpon, XxxRDTPRNxxX, DrLeaks2 and vpnsurfer are all the same person? It only takes one staffer hired full-time to completely subvert this place and 4 or 5 more forums like it. They can have a simple piece of software to manage their different personas and accounts.

-donpon spreading flat earth.

-DrLeaks2 making endless posts about nothing really with a dedicated effort.

-vpnsurfer pretending to be just a normie hanging out on a conspiracy forum

-XxxRDTPRNxxX pretending to be an American Jew fully supportive of his people who can do no wrong.

And a few more accounts that are created some time ago and made couple of posts who can be revived. These shills have.

No, not everyone he disagrees with me is a shill. And one or all of the above could be legit users who are not shills. But you must also consider the possibility that there are some shills here and it's interesting how their tactics is mostly about deflecting hate and anti-Jewish sentiments into targets which are not the cause of anything.

Are "Negros" or "Sand Niggers" the cause of everyone's problems? Whose behind it all? Could be. That's why I engaged donpon and wasted energy on my replies to him. And they could all be for real. you never know. But there is an information war out there and one must consider the possibility.

I could very likely be very wrong and my sincere apologies to DrLeaks2 if so, but his posts are just too generic. Like if all of them are fillers. Jewish lies, promoted by a Jewish website (Daily Mail) and posted by a Jewish account (DrLeaks2). You said you were not Jewish (Which is highly doubtful). So you are playing the Christian cuck card?

Why don't you go pick grapes for your chosen people's wine? Make sure you don't touch them because you are dirty to Jews. (I mean your persona. After all you are most likely Jewish)

"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

So the above means that those Jews who curse Jesus daily are also cursed? How come you "pretend" to support them? ( Did the news of the monopoly practice really change anything? Did it surprise anyone? Nothing will come of it.

The issue isn't that Google is a big corp engaging in monopolistic practices. Everyone knows that hence DrLeaks2 is spreading it. Again, yes it's an irreverent piece of information. What matters is who is behind it and for what reason. DrLeaks2 will never publish anything regarding the real problem which is Jewish head to toe. For those who want the real deal about Google and not DrLeaks2 irrelevant piece of information that this Jewish DrLeaks2 account has posted you can check these 2 links: Reminder: DrLeaks2 is a Jewish Hasbara account. It would be interesting to view their post history to know what type of posts these shills make.

Look at what he is doing here. He is promoting that Americans become cucks to Jewish Israelis by blogging for the twitter account of: "Israel & USA forever"

Observe how he also tries to make it a dumbed down democrat vs republican omitting the fact that Pelosi is herself also working for Jews:

Jews like DrLeaks2 and his other alts BTW want everyone fighting everyone else but without realizing the Jew is behind it all: Democract vs republican, Christian vs Muslim, white vs black, etc.. all while the Jew rubs his hands in ecstasy. DrLeaks2 is the definition of forum sliding.

Every thing posted above is his sick twisted world aimed at me it has now overflowed into this forum too many times to ignore and as such I have posted a call out thread which is something I don't normally do.