I don't understand how this is so obvious to us, yet there is no mod to fix the problem...
pkvi has made so many different accounts (having "pkvi" in the name), but that's not a problem. I am pretty sure he is inflating his own posts and comments using the other accounts...
But notice that anger towards Christianity from pkvi - "Jesus is a p*ssy"?? His inner demons came out just for this comment.
Same with free-will-of-choice.
Spams a lot.
Literally nobody replies to the chatbot.
Never has anything of value to say.
I guess we are on our own to deal with the shills...
pkvi is a retard of epic proportions, just here to destroy the community
I don't understand how this is so obvious to us, yet there is no mod to fix the problem...
pkvi has made so many different accounts (having "pkvi" in the name), but that's not a problem. I am pretty sure he is inflating his own posts and comments using the other accounts...
But notice that anger towards Christianity from pkvi - "Jesus is a p*ssy"?? His inner demons came out just for this comment.
Same with free-will-of-choice.
Spams a lot.
Literally nobody replies to the chatbot.
Never has anything of value to say.
I guess we are on our own to deal with the shills...