posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +9 / -0

The deep state cult are very worried about the spiritual awakening of humanity. Silence and inward contemplation lead people to finding their soul and becoming “reborn” in Spirit which makes them better people with certain psychic powers like heightened intuition and the ability to detect bullshit on the spot. The bullshit detector alerts them of all deep state trickery so that they don’t fall for it. If the deep state can’t trick you, they can’t control you and they cannot trick reborn people. Many confused being reborn as being baptized but it’s much more than just that.

To counter humanity’s awakening, they poisoned the food, water, air and medicine but that only slowed us down. They also use many distraction including nonstop advertising calls, texts, 8 hour work days, traffick, long wait times and more to distract people from their inner self. Luckily many dug deeper during Covid when they had all that extra time.

Once the threshold is crossed (it is basically there now), the deep state lose their grip over humanity once and for all. This is a domino effect that has begun and will spread more and faster worldwide.