posted ago by Primate98 ago by Primate98 +7 / -2

TL;DR: They just made up “Thomas Matthew Crooks”, and throw us tasty treats about “who he really was” to keep us occupied until the heat blows over. There’s nothing important about him since he’s a phantom, except that if we look very carefully, we can see how “They” have been woven through history and see Their hand again orchestrating this latest event. We begin….

First, a hat tip to Isaac Weishaupt, but not for his insight. As his revenue model has strengthened, his analytical acumen has dropped to nearly zero. You see, if you collect money for your important analysis of events, you will provide an analysis—regardless of whether you have found anything of importance to analyze.

In part 2 of his latest show about Trump et al., Weishaupt was talking about how important James Shelby Downard and JFK’s “Killing of the King” ritual was in this Trump assassination. In Downard’s now classic essay, ““King-Kill/33: Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy," he emphasizes how crucial the Hellfire Club was. This discussion of symbolism leads nowhere, other than to show They were present.

Isaac wandered off into the weeds with it, of course, but he did happen to mention that the founder of the Hellfire Club, Francis Dashwood, 11th Baron le Despencer, had written a book with Benjamin Franklin. That locked right into something I had been musing on regarding TMC’s fake name. I don’t fall off my chair anymore, so it was more like, “Oh, Christ. Again. Still. These people.”

What caught my attention was that Ben Franklin is an extremely spooky guy. I startle every time I hear his name. And I do not mean “skeletons in the basement” spooky, I mean “spooky” as in Intelligence and the Spook Families woven through history. They freely tell you about skeletons and drinking and orgies in caves because it keeps your eyes off all the rest. Works perfectly.

You see, I had been wondering if there was any occult (as in hidden) significance to his made-up name. Thomas and Matthew are both fairly common names so I was willing to let it go, but what caught me up was that I was well-aware of the crucial role played by a guy named Governor Thomas Mayhew, the Elder with all these historical Spook Families. BTW, “Mayhew” is just an older variant of “Matthew”, so don’t let that throw you off.

Read Mayhew’s page and you’ll find that the other crucial guy in getting the spooks set up in America was Matthew Cradock. Some may vaguely recall from school the name John Winthrop as the first Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, but he was preceded by Cradock as the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Company, which set up the colony. See how the spooks operate from just outside the spotlight?

So do we have “Thomas Mayhew/Matthew Cradock” -> “Thomas Matthew Crooks”?

Well, guess who Thomas Mayhew’s right-hand man was? A dude named Peter Folger (or Foulger). Guess who Pete’s grandkid was? Yep, you got it: Benjamin Franklin, by far the most famous member of the Hellfire Club. Let me pause here to note that if you thought Obama was an Elite because he has a pad on Martha’s Vineyard, just know that Mayhew and Folger were orchestrating the settlement of that island and Nantucket in the 1640’s, so these spooks have been at it a very long time and very far from even conspiracy theorists.

Peter Folger is the hub in a wheel. If you were thinking, “Haha, Folger as in Folgers Coffee?”, yep, traces back to him. One of his daughters, Bethshua (or Bethsua or Bathsheba) was one of the primary witnesses at the fake Salem Witch Trials (10/16/2015 17-page PDF). One of his descendants, Abigail “Gibby” Folger, was one of the VicSims of the fake Manson murders (6/29/2014 95-page PDF). We’re getting the picture, right? Maybe this idea for the source of the fake name is not so much of a stretch, huh?

The other confirmation that TMC is a phony person comes via a completely different path. The style of research is the same, though, where you have to have some fairly broad knowledge, recognize clues for what they are, and focus on anomalies. Isaac Weishaupt does none of that (sounds like I’m really bagging on him and maybe I am) but he also mentioned that Crooks had been researching a member of the royal family. Okay, that’s your anomaly right there:

Failed assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks researched Trump and Biden, and even a UK royal, before shooting (New York Post 7/18/2024)

As well as researching Trump and Biden, Crooks searched for FBI Director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and a member of the British royal family, the Times reported, without specifying which royal it was.

Was he planning on carrying his ladder and rangefinder across the Pond? This makes no sense in any scenario. The anomaly is magnified because they won’t name who it is and state no reason for that. Imagination time: for what reason would that possibly be hidden?

There is no reason. As of this writing, these buttmunchers are getting away with it and They just cannot stop Themselves from dropping a little clue to ritually mock everyone who “doesn’t get it”. I’ll tell you who They’re talking about: Princess Diana. So WTF is this story really about?

Frankly, someone somewhere may be reading this and They may change Their minds before making an announcement as to which royal it was, or They may just never announce it at all for fear of giving too much away. I’ll have to convince you that—as creative as I am—there’s just no way to make this shit up. You’ve already seen the necessary clue, which brings in what I mentioned about having a broad base of knowledge.

Remember the founder of the Hellfire Club, Francis Dashwood? Before I get to the messy details of the aristocracy, one name that might have rang a bell on his page is John Wilkes. Haha, as in the Lincoln assassination? Yep, the fake assassin in the fake assassination (2/19/2014 42-page PDF) was named after him. See how we’re shaping up already?

You probably did not note it, but Dashwood was the 11th Baron le Despencer. If you drill down, you find that they are of the ancient house Le Despencer. There, a crucial connection is severed and you can’t go any farther. You have to already know about the claim that the aristocratic Spencer family is a branch of the Despencers. Read that page and they go to great lengths to tell you the claim is bullshit. I call bullshit on them.

If you look at that page, you’ll see that the Spencer family is tied up tightly with the Churchill family, who are the very powerful Dukes of Marlborough. Like the classic American cigarettes? You bet. Philip Morris originally set up shop on Marlborough Street, named after one of those Dukes. And if that name reminded you of the famous PM, yep, his full name is Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill.

But as to my calling bullshit on the claim, go back to Dashwood’s page and you’ll find this:

As a contrast to the frivolity of Medmenham Abbey, Dashwood erected a church on a neighbouring hill. Charles Churchill, who previously labeled Dashwood "a disgrace to manhood" over his actions at Medmenham Abbey….

Yep, running some dumb psyop or other with Charles Churchill. Read his page and he looks like a gay lifetime actor. You’ll also see this baffling caption for a book cover:

Charles Churchill's portrait was engraved and used by Paul Revere as a fake portrait of Colonel Benjamin Church to illustrate a 1772 edition of Benjamin Church's The Entertaining History of King Philip's War.

So they were literally writing (fake) history with a fake portrait, sadly bringing Paul Revere into question. As an aside, I have recently found these spooks scattered through every famous event in the American Revolution. Quite dismaying, particularly because it’s no longer surprising.

Okay, so They’re smearing around the history of the Spencers and the Churchills, but what about the late, lamented Di? Did you forget that Diana, Princess of Wales, was born Diana Frances Spencer? Interestingly, although there are any number of articles documenting it, neither one of their wiki pages mentions Winston and Di are related. History is primarily rewritten by silently snipping little connections. (Fun fact: Winnie’s first child was named Diana.)

So we started with the deep occult symbolism of JFK and the Hellfire Club, and worked our way to Princess Diana. Now, suddenly, we are told TMC was researching a Royal Who Shall Not Be Named. Coincidence?

C’mon, man!