posted ago by MindlessRationality ago by MindlessRationality +9 / -3

For a number of years I have been warning that we (as conspiracy theorists and those who come to forums like this and others) are a marketing realise we are targeted by ads....

A lot of posters on here just post for traffic and for targeting.....

It's part of their business operations now. Much like how businesses keep certain stream of income somewhat as a trade secret.....this is a trade secret....

Why do you think so much money is made from the advertisements.....

Mainstream companies started making conspiracy tv series.....and then started to include fake news stories that always had a conspiracy bent....and's literally the life blood of so many pundits and political influencers and 'independents'.


Controversies sell.....

--- part of the op is to claim that advertisement doesn't want to get near this kind of stuff.....lmao....sure....