The cop that went to look on the rooftop was from Butler Township Police Department, now being run by Lt. Matthew Pearson. Former Chief John Hays retired just last month. Seems odd that he didn't postpone for a month to meet the once and future President, doesn't it?
Note that two others are answering questions about local law enforcement: Butler Township manager Tom Knights and Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe.
As for Slupe, he already looks suspect. The latest revelation is that both Township Police officers radioed in after the one dropped off the roof, but in this interview with Slupe, he never mentions the technology of radio even exists:
What's the message? Can't hide free will of choice behind "I'm just following orders" without someone to shirk response-ability onto.
no local
Where's choice situated? At center (choice) of circumference (balance) aka local (ones choice within perceivable balance) among foreign (suggested choices tempting imbalance).
authorities' actions
a) Does choice require another choice to authorize reaction?
b) Does balance act upon reacting choices?
c) If authorities follow directions (I'm just following orders) then that implies reaction...not action.
police action
How can police/polis/city/center act, when it's circumference (inception towards death) which establishes each reacting center (life)?
Why are few building cities to simultaneously draw in order followers, while driving out those who resist? Why are cities the center of crime, while having the most law enforcement?
The cop that went to look on the rooftop was from Butler Township Police Department, now being run by Lt. Matthew Pearson. Former Chief John Hays retired just last month. Seems odd that he didn't postpone for a month to meet the once and future President, doesn't it?
Note that two others are answering questions about local law enforcement: Butler Township manager Tom Knights and Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe.
As for Slupe, he already looks suspect. The latest revelation is that both Township Police officers radioed in after the one dropped off the roof, but in this interview with Slupe, he never mentions the technology of radio even exists:
Armed Butler Township officer encountered Trump rally shooter on roof, sheriff says (CBS News 7/15/2024)
What's the message? Can't hide free will of choice behind "I'm just following orders" without someone to shirk response-ability onto.
Where's choice situated? At center (choice) of circumference (balance) aka local (ones choice within perceivable balance) among foreign (suggested choices tempting imbalance).
a) Does choice require another choice to authorize reaction?
b) Does balance act upon reacting choices?
c) If authorities follow directions (I'm just following orders) then that implies reaction...not action.
How can police/polis/city/center act, when it's circumference (inception towards death) which establishes each reacting center (life)?
Why are few building cities to simultaneously draw in order followers, while driving out those who resist? Why are cities the center of crime, while having the most law enforcement?