This is more manufactured "news" to sell the "lone gunman + insiders who will never see the inside of a courtroom" narrative. That's why we get it from the now standard "sources". They don't wan't to say, "Steve from COINTELPRO".
You can compare this "news" to what Red Haired Visor Guy and numerous others had to say. They all saw the guy crawling across the roof with a rifle and were wildly gesticulating and yelling at the cops. The cops did not react.
That's an anomaly that needs to be explained, and neither NBC nor any other media outlet--mainstream or otherwise--appears interested in doing so. Another anomaly, of course. I'll ask and answer for them.
The local cops didn't react because it did not enter their minds that what the bystanders seemed to be indicating was possible. They simply could not figure out WTF those civvies were talking about. A dude with a rifle on the roof? Impossible, they aren't seeing it right.
The building was certainly swept and secured beforehand, and that takes care of that. Then the local cops did what local cops do when working security at all such public events: stand around while nothing at all happens. You get a drunk every now and then, but there wasn't even drinking at this thing.
The local cops were just baffled. They may as well have been told a chupacabra was creeping around. It was all over before they could even think, "Maybe I should go see what has these idiots so excited."
The "inside job" was getting the patsy into the building, which would have been done by a Secret Service mole. Rather than raise the straightforward question of how he got in, we are misdirected back towards the "lone nut with a gun".
Of course that technique works wonderfully because people react to the news they see streaming before them. What they don't do is try to reconstruct events, using available sources of information as appropriate. When you use that approach, you see all the holes.
Just as an example: Where did Tommy park? He didn't. His car was planted. There were tens of thousands of people around, inside and outside the venue, yet not a single person reported seeing him strolling down the street with a rifle or without. He manifests on the rooftop. But it turns out all the cops were using the big parking lot right behind the New TSBD. The SS mole just drove him in, hung the key on a piece of yarn around his neck, dropped him off, and told him to have a good day at school.
This is more manufactured "news" to sell the "lone gunman + insiders who will never see the inside of a courtroom" narrative. That's why we get it from the now standard "sources". They don't wan't to say, "Steve from COINTELPRO".
You can compare this "news" to what Red Haired Visor Guy and numerous others had to say. They all saw the guy crawling across the roof with a rifle and were wildly gesticulating and yelling at the cops. The cops did not react.
That's an anomaly that needs to be explained, and neither NBC nor any other media outlet--mainstream or otherwise--appears interested in doing so. Another anomaly, of course. I'll ask and answer for them.
The local cops didn't react because it did not enter their minds that what the bystanders seemed to be indicating was possible. They simply could not figure out WTF those civvies were talking about. A dude with a rifle on the roof? Impossible, they aren't seeing it right.
The building was certainly swept and secured beforehand, and that takes care of that. Then the local cops did what local cops do when working security at all such public events: stand around while nothing at all happens. You get a drunk every now and then, but there wasn't even drinking at this thing.
The local cops were just baffled. They may as well have been told a chupacabra was creeping around. It was all over before they could even think, "Maybe I should go see what has these idiots so excited."
The "inside job" was getting the patsy into the building, which would have been done by a Secret Service mole. Rather than raise the straightforward question of how he got in, we are misdirected back towards the "lone nut with a gun".
Of course that technique works wonderfully because people react to the news they see streaming before them. What they don't do is try to reconstruct events, using available sources of information as appropriate. When you use that approach, you see all the holes.
Just as an example: Where did Tommy park? He didn't. His car was planted. There were tens of thousands of people around, inside and outside the venue, yet not a single person reported seeing him strolling down the street with a rifle or without. He manifests on the rooftop. But it turns out all the cops were using the big parking lot right behind the New TSBD. The SS mole just drove him in, hung the key on a piece of yarn around his neck, dropped him off, and told him to have a good day at school.