posted ago by Neo1 ago by Neo1 +18 / -0

Money makes them happy, money makes them thrilled,

That was what they learnt from papa Mayer Rothschild.


You could be a noticer, or you could be a critic,

But they will always call you anti-semitic.


To research information, you may not be so keen,

To find out who was Maxwell, or even Epstein.


You can find some answers, you can even look further,

But all was well written prior to Kennedy's murder...


One group of people created a small nation,

But to bomb their neighbors, they were so impatient.


A little do they know, a little do they care,

But there is a patient God, who sees everywhere.


You may think a Christian is a fool of a took,

But have you spend some time to even read the book?


Jesus was a jew, and that's all true.

But He exposed the evil jews, and so should you!


To hate the kindest man, I don't know how you could,

But you should check the writings in the jooish talmud.


To get the big picture, you should "follow the money",

And finding who's behind the scheme is a little bit funny.


Please review and provide your suggestion, and/or correct the current ones. This may be a good idea to deliver some truths to the masses - people love rhyming.

I will appreciate any new ideas to this!