posted ago by Mad_King_Kalak ago by Mad_King_Kalak +4 / -4

I despise the man, but I put myself (mentally) into the shoes of an idiot and a democrat (but I repeat myself), and it was a weak performance, but it's not like the passed out on stage, or babbled some stupid shit any more than he has since he was Obama's VP.

I listened to the first part as I was coming back from an errand on the radio. The radio format emphasized Biden's whisper voice, that came off as a bit frail. But it did sound that bad. I told myself I wasn't going to watch it, but when I walked into the front door, one of my kids had it on the tv. So I sat down and watched.

I saw most of it, and Biden was a bit spacey, and Trump did a good job of making him seem worse by emphasizing some of the dumb stuff he said. But again, he wasn't that bad.

I'm saying this, only because it seems to be that if the media had collectively said he "did okay" or "held his own" or some such...the lie would remain intact. Or at least idiot democrats would tell themselves that "he's doing okay."

We've had 4 years now of him misspeaking and babbling stupid incoherent shit. What's the difference with the debate? Why do they want to take him out?

I don't know why, because of all the replacements, he is the one that polls the highest. Moreover, his name can't be replaced on three state ballots unless he steps down from the presidency.