Choosing any suggested information to be truth or lie enslaves one to a conflict (truth vs lie) between both, while establishing those suggesting as master of both sides.
You can't keep a slave
a) Keeping enslaves one to what one holds onto; letting go reliefs burden upon ones free will of choice.
b) Nature sets free; choosing to keep anything within binds free.
c) Bind/bond/band - "anything that binds, fastens, or confines; an agreement or covenant; an instrument binding one to pay a sum to another" implies ones free will of choice consenting to the suggested information by another one.
Religion (Latin religio) - "to BIND anew"... hence ones choice (slave) binding self to chosen one (master).
not born to be one
a) Being ONE implies apart from ONE another, hence set free from ONE another...not bound together.
b) There can be only one aka all (whole) for one (partial) and one (partial) for all (whole) aka alone...ALL(in)ONE.
owning a debt
Ones consent to a suggestion implies taking into possession (own) a burden (debt) from another.
One (perception) does not own a debt to all (perceivable)...since one (temporary matter) cannot hold onto all (ongoing motion).
for nefarious reasons
a) FOR implies being (life) moved forwards (inception towards death).
b) NE (not) FARI (to speak) implies perceivable sound (natural), as opposed to suggested words (artificial).
c) Reason implies a conflict (versus) about suggested; while ignoring implication (if/then) of being perception within perceivable.
-IST (conformist) implies ones consent to suggested -ISM (conformism)... a jew suggests -isms to tempt gentiles CON (together; with), while ignoring that flow (inception towards death) sets form (life) apart from one another.
individualism a myth
a) A jew suggests both individual-ISM and mystic-ISM to tempt gentiles to consent.
b) Being implies one apart from one another...suggested individualism tempts one to divide self in two (dual) aka into a conflict of reason against one another.
c) MYTH; noun - "speech, thought, word, discourse, conversation; story, saga, tale, myth, anything delivered by word of mouth" implies suggested information (word); which tempts one to ignore perceivable inspiration (sound)....this implies spell-craft aka few utilizing suggestion to craft the spelling for consenting many.
Choosing any suggested information to be truth or lie enslaves one to a conflict (truth vs lie) between both, while establishing those suggesting as master of both sides.
a) Keeping enslaves one to what one holds onto; letting go reliefs burden upon ones free will of choice.
b) Nature sets free; choosing to keep anything within binds free.
c) Bind/bond/band - "anything that binds, fastens, or confines; an agreement or covenant; an instrument binding one to pay a sum to another" implies ones free will of choice consenting to the suggested information by another one.
Religion (Latin religio) - "to BIND anew"... hence ones choice (slave) binding self to chosen one (master).
a) Being ONE implies apart from ONE another, hence set free from ONE another...not bound together.
b) There can be only one aka all (whole) for one (partial) and one (partial) for all (whole) aka alone...ALL(in)ONE.
Ones consent to a suggestion implies taking into possession (own) a burden (debt) from another.
One (perception) does not own a debt to all (perceivable)...since one (temporary matter) cannot hold onto all (ongoing motion).
a) FOR implies being (life) moved forwards (inception towards death).
b) NE (not) FARI (to speak) implies perceivable sound (natural), as opposed to suggested words (artificial).
c) Reason implies a conflict (versus) about suggested; while ignoring implication (if/then) of being perception within perceivable.
-IST (conformist) implies ones consent to suggested -ISM (conformism)... a jew suggests -isms to tempt gentiles CON (together; with), while ignoring that flow (inception towards death) sets form (life) apart from one another.
a) A jew suggests both individual-ISM and mystic-ISM to tempt gentiles to consent.
b) Being implies one apart from one another...suggested individualism tempts one to divide self in two (dual) aka into a conflict of reason against one another.
c) MYTH; noun - "speech, thought, word, discourse, conversation; story, saga, tale, myth, anything delivered by word of mouth" implies suggested information (word); which tempts one to ignore perceivable inspiration (sound)....this implies spell-craft aka few utilizing suggestion to craft the spelling for consenting many.