WE...suggested pluralism to tempt perceiving partial to ignore self for others.
DO...suggested initialism tempting one to ignore being done by all, while enabled to redo self.
NOT...suggested nihilism (Latin nihilo; nothing) tempting one to ignore all (everything perceivable)
KNOW...ones perception of all perceivable, which the suggestions of others tempt one to ignore.
who runs the show
Those looking at temptations shown by others are running out of resistance.
A consortium?
Many are the consortium of few aka collectivized partials following the lead of those remaining apart. It's called democracy aka DEMOS (people as a collective) KRATOS (strength)...the accumulated weakness of many becomes the strength of the few accumulating them.
Nature doesn't consort...it singles out each one from one another.
Those still need leadership
Where does a ship need to be led to? To a harbor which prevents a sea going vessel from navigating the sea? What lead does a ship need to follow?
SHIP/skip/skee - "to split" aka from whole sea (flow) into each partial vessel (form) navigating within aka nautical (inception towards death) generating terrestrial (life).
NAUTICAL/naughty/naught/nawiht - "nothing"...
He with this much power does not need attention drawn to him.
a) Power drives (inception towards death)...weakness (life) needs to draw power from being driven.
b) Attention aka AD (toward) TENDERE (to stretch) TION (action)...action (inception towards death) stretches out reactions (life).
Those looking at temptations shown by others are running out of resistance.
Many are the consortium of few aka collectivized partials following the lead of those remaining apart. It's called democracy aka DEMOS (people as a collective) KRATOS (strength)...the accumulated weakness of many becomes the strength of the few accumulating them.
Nature doesn't consort...it singles out each one from one another.
Where does a ship need to be led to? To a harbor which prevents a sea going vessel from navigating the sea? What lead does a ship need to follow?
SHIP/skip/skee - "to split" aka from whole sea (flow) into each partial vessel (form) navigating within aka nautical (inception towards death) generating terrestrial (life).
NAUTICAL/naughty/naught/nawiht - "nothing"...
a) Power drives (inception towards death)...weakness (life) needs to draw power from being driven.
b) Attention aka AD (toward) TENDERE (to stretch) TION (action)...action (inception towards death) stretches out reactions (life).
Sleight of hand: https://genius.com/Kenny-rogers-and-dolly-parton-islands-in-the-stream-lyrics
a) Light (motion) fragments (momentum) into particles (matter); which cast shadows onto each other.
b) Darkness (ignorance) within brightness (discernment)
c) "As I walk through the vALLey in the shadow of death...I take a look at my life and realize there's nothin' left"... https://genius.com/Coolio-gangstas-paradise-lyrics