posted ago by LeoLittlebook ago by LeoLittlebook +5 / -3

For the LGBT parents out there who want to groom their kids, I recommend getting them a couple of male rats. Not only will they hump each other, they'll piss and shit all over everything, lowering your son's disgust reflex so he'll be more accepting of vile sodomite "sex". It's no coincidence that the rat is the symbol of the Jew, who leads the world in sodomy.

Most sodomite recruitment is of other people's children, for obvious reasons. Since losing my sister to the Left, I have studied the problem. Giving oneself to revenge can serve a higher purpose.

The Left is parasitic, and winter wolves are the cure.

The crazy man speaks truth. Wolves will eat the leftists.

Always have, since Rome ate Carthage.

The Cult never died. Kathy Griffin is Anderson Cooper's brother.

In 1988 the Vanderbilts staged Carter Cooper's death at age 22. It is probable that Carter was already moonlighting as "Kathy Griffin" before then in Los Angeles from 1985, and with her growing success decided to kill off his deadname identity. The Vanderbilts payrolled a poor immigrant Irish Catholic family to provide "Kathy's" backstory, perhaps with some blackmail insurance. Look how submissive the family appears next to (obvious tranny) Carter in photos.

Carter was born 1966, and Griffin 1960. Being slightly older helps explain "Kathy's" ugliness. "She's" childless with a brief failed marriage.

At 18, Griffin persuaded her parents to move to Los Angeles to help her become famous.

From the overabundance of failed actors, body doubles are chosen. It is probable that the real Kathy failed to become famous, but was a suitable lookalike for Carter, who helped her assume a more successful alternate identity. The real Kathy likely remains friends with her parents, just as Carter remained close "friends" with Gloria and Anderson.

"Kathy Griffin's" focus on celebrity gossip makes perfect sense for an elite Vanderbilt insider. Both brothers are doing similar jobs, promoting sodomy as their reproductive strategy.

Carthago delenda est: So sayeth Herne.