posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +10 / -2

What's the deal with that. Well, you have asians who eat with chopsticks. What's up with those that eat with their bare hands. How about how most people use metal cutlery. Is that bad with maybe some kind of metal residue that you ingest, over the long term, can maybe cause health problems when you get old. Seems like grabbing stuff with your hands you can transmit dirtyness and ingest it. And then what do these people do after they eat, I guess they wash their hands or something. Maybe they don't. That's not good. How about over here, like KFC.. you eat that with your hands and they go finger licking good. Seems like a good way to transmit germs especially if, while you're eating you go grab things like door knobs or cupboard handles. I wonder if they get more sick these people.