posted ago by infra ago by infra +6 / -2

You know how so many people have gotten addicted to rhythm games? e.g. Osu, Osumania, Geometry Dash, Stepmania, DDR, Guitar Hero? (Honestly video games in general I think). There are whole communities, and they often involve not only those games themselves, but also entire subcultures featuring competitions, leaderboards, and music. And a lot of these games are almost devoid of substance and just focus on pure skill, ability to press and hold all the buttons at precisely the right time

Most autistic shit ever. (And often where you see groomers turn up.) But you know what? It all got me wondering if maybe, the government (or whoever you believe is really pulling the strings) is sponsoring these rhythm games and getting hooked on them so that they can train us for the armed forces and draft us into whatever BS wars on the other side of the world they like.