Most of the individual states however have brought legislation to require collection of income tax (for the state) at the state level. Many benefits require a Federal tax return to acquire. It is illegal to file a fraudulent return and that most definitely will land you in prison. Federal deductions are taken out of your check and the only way to get any of it back is by filing a federal return. Good luck buying a house, getting a stimulus check, student loan or any other government backed program. You simply will not qualify and submitting fraudulent documents will get you a one way ticket to prison. I don't advise anyone ever try such a thing unless they don't mind owning nothing and don't mind living on the streets. Spreading this type of information can put a target on your back and may even be considered giving legal advice (if you don't have a license to practice law). I've known people who have done it and it's extremely hard to get back into the system. What's possible and what's wise are 2 different things.
Most of the individual states however have brought legislation to require collection of income tax (for the state) at the state level. Many benefits require a Federal tax return to acquire. It is illegal to file a fraudulent return and that most definitely will land you in prison. Federal deductions are taken out of your check and the only way to get any of it back is by filing a federal return. Good luck buying a house, getting a stimulus check, student loan or any other government backed program. You simply will not qualify and submitting fraudulent documents will get you a one way ticket to prison. I don't advise anyone ever try such a thing unless they don't mind owning nothing and don't mind living on the streets. Spreading this type of information can put a target on your back and may even be considered giving legal advice (if you don't have a license to practice law). I've known people who have done it and it's extremely hard to get back into the system. What's possible and what's wise are 2 different things.