I have long held the position that DJT is a "closet truther". He says far less than he knows, and only crafted in measured bites and couched in specific ways.
If you show me a truther who has tried talking about everything they know to friends and family who may have known them their entire life and gotten the typical reaction, then I can show you a closet truther.
We knew from prior intelligence that those who started the IRS and Federal Reserves were directly involved in ritualistic child sacrifice including drinking the blood of a child.
Assassination threat against @POTUS if he decides to challenge any decision made by the Federal Reserve. Kennedy was assassinated for this reason, including many others like disclosing the Secret Space Program; Federal Reserve is what enables the Secret Space Program. https://t.co/yd9ffovNta
Knowing what you know regarding the assassination of JFK and the role the Majestic 12 had in this history, reflect why the Federal Reserve was the "real reason" they had JFK assassinated. [They] being the Babylonian Priesthood of Moloch.
JFK had a family who he left behind. Was his assassination necessary and regrettable?
Unfortunately many in MJ12 viewed his treason as something that could not go unchecked. According to the state of current affairs at the time and the secrecy war going on internally between USSR/CIA vs USMil. We know JFK was assassinated by USSR/CIA. So did we have any say?
“Howard Hunt :CIA dead bed confession
James Files: fired fatal blow
Bob Dylan song: “Murder most foul” https://youtu.be/6fqxsdtOIg0 excerpts from “The Naked Bible” by Mauro Biglino
I do NOT have Majestic 12 clearance or “high level inside intel”to provide ANY tangible evidence to provide original blueprints, schematics, manuscripts, etc on materials in the post which are copied and posted from the links/sources provided and available in the internet (open source). NOTHING has been produced by myself.
The Majestic 12 operates ABOVE Gov for the purposes of planetary defense pertaining to extraterrestrial life.
The Majestic 12 are not aliens. The Majestic 12 run the United States. We control the Intelligence Community and the Defense Department. Some members of the Majestic 12 are extraterrestrial in origin but have promised allegiance to Earth.
Q is an NSA/D.I.A. operation. MJ12 is above Q in secrecy mostly because MJ12's base of operations is not on planet Earth. MJ12
The MJ12 are at the pleasure to the POTUS because he is the enemy of C322. We only disclose what is already COMMON KNOWLEDGE AMONG THY CONSCIOUSNESS.
Majestic 12 is a conscious arm of POTUS's direct commands. CoC wise MJ12 is a peer to Q Anon.
Majestic 12 has active operations ongoing in the United States from DIA assets using social media tools, like Anonymous Official, and this account to disclose vital information about the MAJESTIC reality that exists. - This account is a conduit to three members' operations. Q Anon is a separate NSA operation. But where there's 1 there's 100. All for different purposes. All playing hyperdimensional chess.
Q mission is unaffiliated to MJ12 mission, though actions and events are not mutually exclusive.
We have our own objectives that are not mutually exclusive to Q's objectives.
We are aware of Majestic 12 disclosure processes currently operating in conjunction with the Q operation.
It has been the efforts of Q, including MJ12, to help assist in the Great Awakening
by acting on a paradox.
I have long held the position that DJT is a "closet truther". He says far less than he knows, and only crafted in measured bites and couched in specific ways.
If you show me a truther who has tried talking about everything they know to friends and family who may have known them their entire life and gotten the typical reaction, then I can show you a closet truther.
JFK speech: “The monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” https://youtu.be/RhkjYJAHCjM
We knew from prior intelligence that those who started the IRS and Federal Reserves were directly involved in ritualistic child sacrifice including drinking the blood of a child.
ROTHSCHILD OWNED & CONTROLLED BANKS: The FED and the IRS. more in post/thread/link comment https://greatawakening.win/p/17shvo09sv/attn-tax-paying-slaves-qpostbank/c/ 🤬😤😡, see comments
Assassination threat against @POTUS if he decides to challenge any decision made by the Federal Reserve. Kennedy was assassinated for this reason, including many others like disclosing the Secret Space Program; Federal Reserve is what enables the Secret Space Program. https://t.co/yd9ffovNta
Knowing what you know regarding the assassination of JFK and the role the Majestic 12 had in this history, reflect why the Federal Reserve was the "real reason" they had JFK assassinated. [They] being the Babylonian Priesthood of Moloch.
JFK had a family who he left behind. Was his assassination necessary and regrettable?
Unfortunately many in MJ12 viewed his treason as something that could not go unchecked. According to the state of current affairs at the time and the secrecy war going on internally between USSR/CIA vs USMil. We know JFK was assassinated by USSR/CIA. So did we have any say?
Everything you need to know about who was really behind the assassination of JFK in one TikTok edit. https://twitter.com/davincentjames/status/1727105597190078571
The Ultimate JFK Assassination Report https://pepelivesmatter.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-jfk-assassination-report
President Kennedy’s Assassination Was a Zionist Coup https://www.unz.com/article/president-kennedys-assassination-was-a-zionist-coup/
Israel and the Assassinations of The Kennedy brothers https://odysee.com/@KontreKulture:c/Israel-and-the-Assassinations-of-The-Kennedy-brothers:9
Twitter cofounder Jack Dorsey: "100%, without a doubt" that the CIA killed JFK https://files.catbox.moe/mpxura.mp4
Now That We Assume the CIA Was Involved in the Assassination of JFK, What Else Could They Possibly Be Hiding? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/12/now-know-cia-involved-assassination-jfk-possibly-hiding/
More Evidence Mossad Killed JFK Over Israeli Nukes The Missing Link In The JFK Assassination Conspiracy https://web.archive.org/web/20150915041039/http:/www.rense.com/general42/enemies.htm
“Howard Hunt :CIA dead bed confession James Files: fired fatal blow Bob Dylan song: “Murder most foul” https://youtu.be/6fqxsdtOIg0 excerpts from “The Naked Bible” by Mauro Biglino
I do NOT have Majestic 12 clearance or “high level inside intel”to provide ANY tangible evidence to provide original blueprints, schematics, manuscripts, etc on materials in the post which are copied and posted from the links/sources provided and available in the internet (open source). NOTHING has been produced by myself.
MAJESTIC 12 AND THE SECRET GOVERNMENT By William Cooper https://archive.org/details/majestic-12-files
Source unless otherwise specified:
https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf https://files.catbox.moe/ja65mf.pdf
We engage in this open forum as a means to help enLIGHTen those who seek the truth. We do not give you truth. We give you direction.
Truth resonates from within.
Question. Can you confirm all of these people are members?
Donald J Trump
General Flynn
Joseph Dunford
James Mattis
William Barr
Patrick Shanahan
Paul Selva
Answer. 3 on that list are MJ12.
Reply. !(not) PS.
COMMENT. !(not)PS = JD or JM
Reply Check their pasts and then ask your question again to yourself. You know the answer.
COMMENT. I do. Yet disinformation is...
Reply. This member is obvious. No disinformation needed. Its common knowledge to our adversaries.
Correct. https://t.co/0rJhau1PmE
Mattis is clean.
Mattis is on MJ-12.
Majestic Flynn.
The Majestic 12 run the United States.
The Majestic 12 operates ABOVE Gov for the purposes of planetary defense pertaining to extraterrestrial life.
The Majestic 12 are not aliens. The Majestic 12 run the United States. We control the Intelligence Community and the Defense Department. Some members of the Majestic 12 are extraterrestrial in origin but have promised allegiance to Earth.
Q is an NSA/D.I.A. operation. MJ12 is above Q in secrecy mostly because MJ12's base of operations is not on planet Earth. MJ12
The MJ12 are at the pleasure to the POTUS because he is the enemy of C322. We only disclose what is already COMMON KNOWLEDGE AMONG THY CONSCIOUSNESS.
Majestic 12 is a conscious arm of POTUS's direct commands. CoC wise MJ12 is a peer to Q Anon.
Majestic 12 has active operations ongoing in the United States from DIA assets using social media tools, like Anonymous Official, and this account to disclose vital information about the MAJESTIC reality that exists. - This account is a conduit to three members' operations. Q Anon is a separate NSA operation. But where there's 1 there's 100. All for different purposes. All playing hyperdimensional chess.
Q mission is unaffiliated to MJ12 mission, though actions and events are not mutually exclusive.
We have our own objectives that are not mutually exclusive to Q's objectives.
We are aware of Majestic 12 disclosure processes currently operating in conjunction with the Q operation.
It has been the efforts of Q, including MJ12, to help assist in the Great Awakening by acting on a paradox.