posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +5 / -3

Lemme go get that thread.

Something doesn't add up with the cabal and "gold". How it's just not around. Countries can't go an "pull it out". I think they're using it for who knows what.. but researching about occult rituals and how they use gold for powers.

posted 5 months ago

How'd I wind up here.. well the other day I recall this color of money soundtrack tape I had back then. Noticed this Gil Evans guy was involved with Robbie Robertson. I'm there.. who's Gil Evans. Well he worked with Miles Davis.

Looking up the guy, see this dude with a long video about him. Check his other videos and he's got some conspiracy stuff. Then I see this one, "World of gold", 8 minutes. From when people used to watch TV. So.. that's them but whatever.

Starts out with oh yeah.. 1933.. you know these guys and "33". Imagine them doing that these days where the government comes out says oh it's illegal for you to own gold, you just straight-up gotta give it all to us and we'll give you paper money that can be worthless later. Isn't that the same year they started the shenanigan federal reserve. Railroading that through while everyone's gone for christmas.

Then you get this Fort Knox, where it hasn't been audited since the 50's. In this vid they're talking about how German gold is held in the federal reserve in NY. And they tried to check it out and they were like, no for security we can't even show you.

Here in Canada, they mine lots, do coins for the government but they get rid of all their fucking gold.

Years ago I heard somewhere and was checking out a video where a clairvoyant was talking about 9/11 and it was like an occult ritual and the gold underneath magnified the vibe. Let me see if I can find that.

Nice.. found it in the old bookmarks.

"9/11 Occult Ritual: Blood, Gold and Emotion" 2min 37sec.

Let me get that transcript.

"They are in large part responsible for many of the pyramids in Mizo and southern America. Because what they did is they had the natives gather gold for them. And the gold was initially used to send to Nibiru to save its atmosphere. But eventually the Anunnaki overlords here on the Earth recognized that gold had other properties to it. That if you combine gold with emotion with blood, you can alter reality. That is what was done with the Twin Towers. Dynamite was put in the tower so that they would collapse straight down, otherwise they would have fallen over, but they didn't. From an airplane. They would've fallen over but they didn't, they fell straight down. There was so much gold underneath the towers. Later it was told that the gold was there. They had a tunnel so they could remove it even if the building fell down. They would dig in from this part long before they could dig down. And so the gold was there. Needless to say there was horrific emotion. It was televised over and over and over around the world and people everywhere were able to, with emotion, relive and focus on this event. And the emotion of the people in the building and the bloodshed in the building, as these explosions took place and being burned alive etc. All of these things produced a whole other reality of control. It undid what we had worked on for many years to thin the illusions and it puts much illusion back in. They have used it from the sun. They've directed a triangulation to control realities on Earth. The blood sacrifice of the Aztecs, the... you know the gold from everywhere in the Americas and then in addition to that, if they needed a war they created a war. If the blood sacrifice died down, well they brought in the Conquistadores. They did what they needed to do. They had the emotion, they had the gold and they had the bloodshed. And they had this in three places on the Earth and were able that way to control realities."

I think these cabal guys are doing something with the gold somewhere.. I think they're gathering it all up together somewhere, too. Cause it's like nobody can get their hands on any of it.

So now this "gold has the least resistance to electricity", where does that fit in. How about the pyramid, supposedly like the top pyramidion was covered in gold.

But for these occult ritual reasons.. where would this fit in.

Paranormal stuff.. I think it can involve electricity. Like the other day watched this movie, Late nite with the Devil (2023), talk show during the 70's, where it's like she's possessed like, what was that movie with that chick in the room who's head spins. They have some stuff that is real.. like the vatican II updated their stuff about exorcisms. So what really goes on. But in that film on the talk show, you'd get these bursts of sparks, eh.

They don't use gold though. But what was Almine saying about 9/11 with the gold under there how it, lemme check that again.. I think it magnified the vibe, like what.. the collective consciousness. lol. ok I gotta go to work, you guys see where this fits in.