Technically, since he wasn't convicted of being on a controlled substance, he's going to say he wasn't prohibited. From a shyster lawyer point of view, this makes sense.
In an odd "pro-gun" way, I hope he gets off....of the gun charges that is, though he deserves the death penalty for his other crimes.
If he's guilty of diddling kiddies, which I believe is the implication here, then he deserves the harshest punishment imaginable.
However, there has been little in the way of evidence, let alone proof, of that claim.
Those who have inspected the hard drives, including John Paul Mac Isaac, the Delaware computer repair shop owner, have stated there was plenty of questionable behavior on there, just nothing involving children.
As a matter of principle, I can't condone the punishment of anyone wanting to alter their consciousness.
Boy oh boy, the "don't tread on me" "come and take it" 2a faggots better be RUSHING to his defense
Technically, since he wasn't convicted of being on a controlled substance, he's going to say he wasn't prohibited. From a shyster lawyer point of view, this makes sense.
In an odd "pro-gun" way, I hope he gets off....of the gun charges that is, though he deserves the death penalty for his other crimes.
Doing drugs and fucking whores?
A bit dramatic, Mad King. A little out of character from you as well.
If you think the only thing he did was drugs and whores, well, that's the least of it.
Okay, maybe life in prison then. Those guys know how to handle perps like him.
If he's guilty of diddling kiddies, which I believe is the implication here, then he deserves the harshest punishment imaginable.
However, there has been little in the way of evidence, let alone proof, of that claim.
Those who have inspected the hard drives, including John Paul Mac Isaac, the Delaware computer repair shop owner, have stated there was plenty of questionable behavior on there, just nothing involving children.
As a matter of principle, I can't condone the punishment of anyone wanting to alter their consciousness.