A conventional explosion is the rapid chemical conversion of an explosive to heat and gas creating a lot of pressure. In an open environment the pressure decreases at the rate of 1/radius^3, very quickly in other words.
A nuclear explosion is the rapid conversion of mass to heat and radiation, Apart from heating and expanding the air around the explosion no other pressure is created. This means a nuclear explosion is confined to a fairly small area, similar in effect to a lightening strike. Except for a direct hit a nuclear explosion is not significant and generally weaker than a conventional bomb.
Our masters know the truth behind nuclear weapons and use the threat of nuclear war to cow everyone into submission. They fear the masses realizing that there is nothing to fear.
Said the “nukes aren’t real” spammer. Fuck off to another website.
If you were intellectually honest you would ask yourself why nukes have never been used since WW2?
It is because their "threat" is much greater than their reality.
They have. Thousands of times. Fuck off, dipshit shill.
Nah, it’s because their creators realize their threat is greater than originally envisioned and, not wanting to face the wrath of the collective white world, don’t use them because nukes would result in a loss of their power.
Get a fucking clue. We will never support your kike neocon narrative. We will never support your delusional warmongering bullshit in order to trick people into sanctioning the use of nukes in regular warfare.
Find. Another. Website. To. Well. Poison.
Using nukes is stupid because they don't work. If you want to destroy a city use a thermobaric bomb. It is ten thousand times cheaper and a thousand times more effective.
Learn the Truth, it will set you free.
They work. Fuck off subhuman.
Based and correct. Nukes aren't real. Here's a good post from Weev about nukes:
Nuclear fallout is visibly not the devastating thing they say it is. Which city is more livable: Hiroshima, or Detroit? What really destroys cities for generations -- lasting radiation from nuclear strikes, or niggers? Hiroshima and Nagasaki were resettled nearly instantly, within a month or two, and have grown to bustling metropolises with high standards of living since.
Nuclear winter is a hoax. The Icelandic volcano that covered Europe in ash, so much so that it darkened the skies for weeks and grounded flights, put thousands of nuclear weapons worth of debris in the atmosphere. They told us at the very same year that we should be incredibly concerned with future global warming -- even though by their previous claims just a couple decades prior we should be worried about that much atmospheric debris causing an ice age.
If posits 1 and 2 are true then if nukes exist at all the entire cultural and political narrative that is built upon them and used to justify endless atrocities in the service of jewry (remember when Rice said "we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud" to invade Iraq?) is entirely fictitious because nukes just explode and nothing else.
Nuclear winter was something that the Jew Sagan and a lot of other no-nukes people blabbed about, but it was highly speculative. Yet despite being speculative it was stated and expounded upon and used in storytelling--more on that in a moment--to create feelings of certain doom. You needed to believe this--sound familiar? It formed part of a "survivors will have it worse" propaganda that was aimed at getting the United States to disarm unilaterally.
The issue of nuclear weapons dominated Western politics for several decades, and was the first big effort by liberals to claim "you have to do what we say (which also involves us raping your children) or the whole world will die". What this meant, practically speaking, was that the no-nukes movement (in reality well-funded and organized by the USSR, as was later established) promoted an extremely risky instability through weakness.
This meant not just military weakness but, perhaps more crucially, cultural and psychic weakness. It was, at its core, an effort to cripple the Western mind and distort its view of the world into one of constant fear. Again, this should all sound very familiar. And it had at its disposal our own imaginations, shaped through mass media.
Nuclear apocalypse was the original zombie apocalypse, minus the childish fascination with grisly monsters. It was illustrated in numerous movies and television shows--even relatively benign fare like "Buck Rogers" had a backdrop of nuclear devastation. Mass media promoted this apocalyptic vision for two reasons: sensationalized dread reliably sold tickets, and the media producers shared the core liberal vision, which is fundamentally a vision of the self. Fear and loathing are natural byproducts of such a vision.
Thus this massive and constant propaganda came in both dry factual claims (nuclear winter, radiation, extinction of mankind) and through the more visceral scares of Hollywood entertainment. Anyone who dissented from this dark and frightening prophecy was a warmonger and madman.
The prospect of nuclear apocalypse was made to serve a much bigger lie: the lie that we don't dare disobey the technocratic liberal order, or we will all die. What was concealed at the time was how far this lie would reach into our lives, distorting or destroying our social health, deforming us and our communities, preventing us from understanding what this liberal vision was doing to us.
So what happened immediately after the nuclear threat subsided? Immediately, GLOBAL COOLING happened. Immediately after they lost the threat of nuclear apocalypse, liberals suddenly "realized" that the Earth was going to supercool because of Western usage of fossil fuels, and the only way to prevent this was to allow a technocratic liberal order to manage an enormous extent of human activity. Then when the temperatures actually started going up a slight bit, they changed it to GLOBAL WARMING. (Please deposit your incandescent bulbs in the receptacles provided.) You can trust them, they're all extremely wealthy and powerful.
Although the Cold War had ended, nuclear weapons got to have their curtain call when it became necessary to fight innumerable wars in MENA countries, wars that also created large refugee and environmental problems which had a worse net impact as an alleged nuclear weapon going off in a large city--well, you can't make an omelet without blowing up your own kitchen.
What we can learn from this is that the big lie is central to late stage liberalism. It is the big lie that calls into creation centralized control, mass media-induced fear and loathing, and the negation of identity. Liberals have told big lies about AIDS, black crime, human sexuality, diversity--about almost everything.
An interesting corollary is that not everything they tell us is a lie. It is true that human impact on the environment is worsening. It is true that the human biomass has grown to a point where it threatens the larger ecosystem. It is true that the scale of global activity poses a serious threat of increased disease. It's just that liberalism doesn't actually fix any of these problems, and mostly makes them worse. The cure is more of the disease.
This is entirely a relevant topic in a time with a loss of Christian faith and its attendant resignation to the evils of the world. A mature person understands: over the course of your life you will catch diseases. Barring misadventures, one day you will get old and die. The world existed before you were here, and it will continue on after you. You WILL have to face your mortality sooner or later, the only question is whether you face it with grace and acceptance and set a worthy example, or panic and cower and resort to increasingly pathetic totems and rituals to delay the inevitable. This has nothing to do with whether or not we take reasonable precautions against preventable dangers (how many fat people who are terrified of COVID have lost weight to make themselves more resilient against it?), it's about whether there's a point where we say "I don't care if this IS dangerous, I'm not going to live enslaved to fear or accept a groveling existence as normal". Modern people have been conditioned to have no such point, with observable results. It's a spiritual crisis.
The apocalyptic tone that once characterized fear of nuclear war has now shifted to encompass almost every political topic. Commonsense policies on immigration, sexual morality, urban policing, and anti-interventionism are all loudly equated with genocide. There's something satanic about elites' willingness to break people's minds in their efforts to ensure the world stays broken to their advantage. Technocrats would rather rule tyrannically over a favela of surly muds and crazy people than be slightly less rich and powerful in a prosperous and thriving nation.
I want to make it clear: nuclear weapons are completely fake. They were a PR hoax of the United States government and other world powers are incentivized to get in on the lie and also claim to be nuclear powers to promote their leaders and fool smaller countries. That footage you've seen of nuclear bombs blowing up houses? Those are not just models of houses -- they admit they are models. Also relativity is a lie. Jewish physics is, in general, a pack of lies. Æther is real, Tesla was right about Einstein, Phillip Lennard was right about everything, developments in physics stopped completely when we accepted relativity and it all just turned into people jerking off in fake math papers about string theory, loop quantum gravity, and other nonsense, instead of badass dudes making ball lightning because they can. Don't believe anything these kikes tell you about the world.
Yes, the JWST is providing very good evidence that the whole Big Bang theory, Expansion of the Universe, Inflation, CMB, renormalization, etc. all have to be modified or thrown out. Exciting times.
Physics obviously took a wrong turn somewhere in the early 1900's.