Hey EPA, Why are you giving a rag#ead organization 50 million bucks yet you won't give o e dime to my local water district so we can improve our fifty year old pipes? I'll be waiting for an answer.
Seems like they are just funding literally everything and everyone regardless of their positions. Incredibly bizarre. Maybe they're doing the AIPAC thing where they give everybody money so Israel wins no matter what
Wow, their website has a section called "Current Work" and it manages to say a b s o l u t e l y n o t h i n g
This org is definitely up to no good
Current Work
During the OPC Virtual Gathering in July 2020, thirty-four active Our Power Communities came together and elected regional conveners and charted a pathway forward for the coming period. Current organizing will prioritize local power building with movement support organizations, working groups and alliances to anchor a Just Transition in their communities. Part of this process will also be to establish regional infrastructure within the alliance, which will be led and coordinated by our frontline, base-building members. The OPCs will work together to create plans that include coordinated and aligned organizing, communications, direct action and policy advocacy strategies within their regions and CJA.
Hey EPA, Why are you giving a rag#ead organization 50 million bucks yet you won't give o e dime to my local water district so we can improve our fifty year old pipes? I'll be waiting for an answer.
Seems like they are just funding literally everything and everyone regardless of their positions. Incredibly bizarre. Maybe they're doing the AIPAC thing where they give everybody money so Israel wins no matter what
Wow, their website has a section called "Current Work" and it manages to say a b s o l u t e l y n o t h i n g
This org is definitely up to no good