posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +13 / -0

The very same people behind the mass culling of Christians, Muslims and Buddhists like cattle in the 20th century and behind the mass culling of the French Revolution...

Are the exact same type of people who destroyed historical records, called legitimate Roman Emperors insane, starved filthy peasants to death and let them die of rat plague, and culled Pagans, Witches, Heathens, and intelligent people by the several trillions in Europe.

Most people don't get that the moment you reskin the entire scam but still its very contents totally intact, people will immediately believe that you are not a scam. And then millions, billions or even trillions die over it.

The simple way to line it up is that they have a prejudice against intelligent people and the people who are most likely going to disagree with them, because God does NOT like people who disagree with him, this is admitted by BOTH the Bible (Old/New Testaments) and Talmud. And likely also because people better, smarter and more beautiful than them piss them off.

And beware, they have found ways to kill 99% of all intelligent people in a single country or force them to pack up. Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Doctors, Scientists, Musicians, even people who wore glasses (meanwhile the guy doing it has a bachelor degree in France and is a teacher who wears glasses). Now imagine if this happens to the entire world.