"A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated." -9boda
Sarah 37
(This means a baby can be "violated" up to age three and
still have the hymen grow back. The big question is how does
the Jew know this? What did Jew do to "Gentile" (non-Jew) toddlers, to
find this out?)
Yebamoth 98a. "All Gentile children are animals."
"Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth" Abodah
Zarah 36b
Jews' Own Children:
Sanhedrin 55b,p.376. "A Jew may marry a three year old girl
(specifically, three years and one day."
Sanhedrin 54b . "A Jew may have sex with a child as long as
the child is less than nine years."
[9 years and a day old is OK?]
Sanhedrin 54b, 55a, p.371."If a man commits sodomy with a
boy less than nine years old, they are both guilty of sodomy"
[9 years old and a day is OK?]
Kethuboth 11b, p.58: "Sexual intercourse with a girl less than
three is 'nothing'", or: [Kethuboth 11b . "When a grown-up man
has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing.
Well I can't quote it to you, but the hadith has basically the exact same thing. Instructions on the proper haram way to molest a baby and when they become old enough for full penetration.
Pretty sick shit...
And don't get me wrong the bible also has some bad shit in it too... But at least no guides for molesting babies....
Point is muslims are the most likely to put that shit into practice.
"A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated." -9boda Sarah 37 (This means a baby can be "violated" up to age three and still have the hymen grow back. The big question is how does the Jew know this? What did Jew do to "Gentile" (non-Jew) toddlers, to find this out?) Yebamoth 98a. "All Gentile children are animals."
"Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth" Abodah Zarah 36b
Jews' Own Children: Sanhedrin 55b,p.376. "A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years and one day." Sanhedrin 54b . "A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years." [9 years and a day old is OK?] Sanhedrin 54b, 55a, p.371."If a man commits sodomy with a boy less than nine years old, they are both guilty of sodomy" [9 years old and a day is OK?] Kethuboth 11b, p.58: "Sexual intercourse with a girl less than three is 'nothing'", or: [Kethuboth 11b . "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing.
Well I can't quote it to you, but the hadith has basically the exact same thing. Instructions on the proper haram way to molest a baby and when they become old enough for full penetration.
Pretty sick shit...
And don't get me wrong the bible also has some bad shit in it too... But at least no guides for molesting babies....
Point is muslims are the most likely to put that shit into practice.