posted ago by freedomlogic ago by freedomlogic +19 / -0

Take workers compensation for example, came across this article tonight.


The province’s time-loss injury rate improved to 1.40 injuries per 100 covered workers in 2023, down from 1.54 the previous year. This number has been steadily declining for decades, and is half what it was in 2003.

2024 marks the first year of WCB’s new seven-year strategic plan. It’s a road map to protecting more Nova Scotians from workplace injury, supporting safe and timely return to work, and, providing exceptional service.

I dont believe work injury's are down, but the approved claims are. Before any lurkers start thinking I am "hysterical" again, let me provide some facts to chew on.


Ontario’s compensation system has received a lot of attention in recent weeks, after an Ontario Federation of Labour study revealed that the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) is rebating millions of dollars to companies that have been found guilty of safety violations that resulted in workplace fatalities.

According to the OFL, more than 50 per cent of the offending employers received millions of dollars in rebates in the same year they committed their offences. In many of these cases, the rebates received by the companies exceeded the fines they were levied as a result of their conviction.

As shocking as these revelations have been, they are not unique to Ontario.


With David Marshall being re-appointed to another two years as CEO of Ontario’s WSIB, various public servant heavyweights have chimed in with praise for the man’s work in whittling down the agency’s unfunded liability. At $14.2 billion in 2012, it’s now apparently closer to $9-billion. That’s quite a turnaround.

Great news and responsible fiscal management, right?

Well, how you feel about the WSIB’s spending decreases depends on whether you are on the receiving end of a $400,000 bonus for effecting them, as David Marshall is, or whether you’re an injured worker who has been denied benefits.

Payouts to injured workers by the WSIB went down by $700-million between 2009 and 2013 – from $3.2-billion to $2.5-billion. The vast number of stories of workers being kicked off of apparently fully-legitimate benefits are all over the media, all over the web, all over the industry.


This month the Ford government announced a plan to redistribute surplus funds from the WSIB to “safe employers.”

The massive handout will come from the WSIB’s current $6.1-billion reserve, which has been collected off the backs of injured workers denied adequate compensation by the board for sometimes serious and debilitating injuries.

“What’s not being asked by the WSIB or the Ministry of Labour is ‘how is this surplus accumulated?’” said David Arruda, a community legal aid worker with IAVGO.

“It was accumulated because the WSIB denies so many claims that the premiums are not being paid out.”

The WSIB is implementing a “cost-saving agenda,” reminiscent of a large insurance company, instead of ensuring that injuries are justly compensated, he added.

To add further insult to injury, the Ford government plans to cut employer-paid premiums in 2022 by $168 million, which will bring total premium reductions since 2018 to $2.4 billion, according to the government.


“After decades of working, these workers have been abandoned not only by these employers but by the workers’ compensation system that was supposed to provide for them,” said Gates.

The ODRA has the support of unions and the Ontario Federation of Labour and community interest from the Ontario Network of Injured Workers.

Pretty sure this woman got maid'ed because she was tired of the delays they kept throwing at her. This is how these fuckers work. In my case I am still in shock they can lie to me, feels fucking intentional. Nah man, freon cant do that. Nah we dont need to test the air, its just like, anxiety man.


A Cape Breton woman who has been fighting for more than a decade for benefits from Nova Scotia's Workers' Compensation Board says she will continue to push ahead as long as she can.

But Melissa Ellsworth said she can't wait any longer for pain relief and has applied for medical assistance in dying, also known as MAID.

Ellsworth said workplace injuries while nursing in 2006 and working as a corrections officer in 2009 have left her with constant pain and unable to eat properly.

And then to add insult to injury. Exactly WHAT THE FUCK do our leaders think is going to happen when they treat people as disposable? The same thing that always happens. The poor eat the rich.

Which is why I had to have another laugh at this article.


Like others have pointed out, uttering death threats and hate speech are already punishable by law, so what exactly is this bill for? The part that got me, and this is the second time I have seen the CSIS report saying.

An intelligence report released in March said threats against politicians had become “increasingly normalized” due to extremist narratives prompted by personal grievances and fuelled by misinformation or deliberate lies.

Yes, being poisoned and denied medical care has a way of fucking alienating/jading someone all to fuck. Then to paint me as a schizophrenic.

Oh fuck, I hope jesus is real, I say a prayer every now and then just in case.

Yeah, our leaders dont give a flying fuck about us, your a absolute fool to believe otherwise.