PUNDIT; noun (Hindi payndit) - "a learned man, master, teacher"...fighting implies reasoning against another over suggested information, and consentee (slave) establishes suggestee (master). One can only learn this by discerning self, not by consenting to the suggestions of another.
if...would you fight?
Reasoning over suggested (fighting) contradicts perceivable implication (if/then). There's no conflict within perceivable unless ignored for suggested.
PUNDIT; noun (Hindi payndit) - "a learned man, master, teacher"...fighting implies reasoning against another over suggested information, and consentee (slave) establishes suggestee (master). One can only learn this by discerning self, not by consenting to the suggestions of another.
Reasoning over suggested (fighting) contradicts perceivable implication (if/then). There's no conflict within perceivable unless ignored for suggested.
Bating (suggesting) and biting (consenting)...consent (slave) selects suggestion (master).