There is not more time to think about this. Zion is going all out trying to destroy Human and Constitutional Rights to fully dominate us in every way using their banking and propaganda cartels.
They seek serfdom. Feeding them with tax dollars and obedience means our doom.
If you are of good intentions, have Faith. Don’t be afraid. Just obey Natural Law but for sure, be noncompliant to them. They are not your master. You are your own Master and even God respects your free will. All we are bound to is Natural Law (no murder, theft, assault, etc..).
Are you angry because you've been banned from family dinners? I can see it now "DAD YOU ARE SUCH A GOAT FUCKER!" "WELL RETARDPORN YOUR MOTHER WAS THE SPAWN OF SATAN BUT THATS NO WAY TO TALK ABOUT HER SON!"