Ones consent to the suggestion of another implies ones de-nial (Latin nihilo; nothing) of everything perceivable. Whatever suggested one attempts to keep by consent implies owning nothing...this includes "meaning".
Rich vs poor implies wanting vs not wanting the suggested values by another...while ignoring to be perception aka evaluation.
One cannot be poor in reality; since nature offers everything perceivable to each ones perception at any moment of being. Furthermore...poor (destitute of property) implies that perception cannot hold onto perceivable without ignoring that it moves, while rich (Latin rego; reach) implies everything perceivable in reach of each ones perception.
Consenting to suggested information implies taking in; while adapting to perceivable inspiration implies reaching out. Gentiles took in suggested values by a jew and are now holding onto "muh precious"; while ignoring to reach out...
singlehandedly created
The single hand of a jew suggesting creationism has no control over another until the moment a gentile consents to it.
If a jew suggests that everything perceivable has a price; the gentile consent sells everything perceivable out the jew suggesting the price.
I am not sure the Jews were behind the creation of the welfare state. That shit was done by either clueless people who think it helps, or to keep blacks on a plantation voting democrat.
Ones consent to the suggestion of another implies ones de-nial (Latin nihilo; nothing) of everything perceivable. Whatever suggested one attempts to keep by consent implies owning nothing...this includes "meaning".
Rich vs poor implies wanting vs not wanting the suggested values by another...while ignoring to be perception aka evaluation.
One cannot be poor in reality; since nature offers everything perceivable to each ones perception at any moment of being. Furthermore...poor (destitute of property) implies that perception cannot hold onto perceivable without ignoring that it moves, while rich (Latin rego; reach) implies everything perceivable in reach of each ones perception.
Consenting to suggested information implies taking in; while adapting to perceivable inspiration implies reaching out. Gentiles took in suggested values by a jew and are now holding onto "muh precious"; while ignoring to reach out...
The single hand of a jew suggesting creationism has no control over another until the moment a gentile consents to it.
If a jew suggests that everything perceivable has a price; the gentile consent sells everything perceivable out the jew suggesting the price.
I am not sure the Jews were behind the creation of the welfare state. That shit was done by either clueless people who think it helps, or to keep blacks on a plantation voting democrat.
So blame a generation that worked its ass off instead of the greedy 1% that lives in luxury and does absolutely nothing for it.