It its pretty cool that the Bible, written 2000 years ago, predicted this very thing. Back then, people would have laughed and scoffed, saying it's just not possible. And they would have been right, that at that time it WAS impossible. But God is not limited to tiny time spans like we are. He operates in millenia of years, not in decades. We look at our tiny little timeslice and than arrogantly judge God. He looks at all time, perhaps all at the same moment, and laughs at us. We need to humble ourselves before His Word and trust what He has said.
Based. One can only imagine how ridiculous the whole mark of the beast sign must have sounded to people in the past, before digital payments and before implantable chips were a thing. Hundreds of prophesies have come to past and the rest will also come to past and people are still not convinced.
But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’
And the two witnesses lie dead in the street, while the ENTIRE world looks on. How nutty would that sound? The liberals would have called that figurative language. But its literal.
It its pretty cool that the Bible, written 2000 years ago, predicted this very thing. Back then, people would have laughed and scoffed, saying it's just not possible. And they would have been right, that at that time it WAS impossible. But God is not limited to tiny time spans like we are. He operates in millenia of years, not in decades. We look at our tiny little timeslice and than arrogantly judge God. He looks at all time, perhaps all at the same moment, and laughs at us. We need to humble ourselves before His Word and trust what He has said.
Based. One can only imagine how ridiculous the whole mark of the beast sign must have sounded to people in the past, before digital payments and before implantable chips were a thing. Hundreds of prophesies have come to past and the rest will also come to past and people are still not convinced.
And the two witnesses lie dead in the street, while the ENTIRE world looks on. How nutty would that sound? The liberals would have called that figurative language. But its literal.