They are swarming all over social media ever since many Universities started protesting for the Palestinians.
Their talking points are:
Twist up the truth to make them seem Pro-Hamas instead so the viewers assume they support terrorists when in reality, they support the Palestinian Civilians that are being genocided by the Israeli Military.
They are gaslighting as much as possible to confuse anyone who supports the dying Civilians.
They claim the justification for genocide is that Hamas has some hostages so until they release the hostages, they will genocide innocent Palestinians. In reality, the Israeli Gov controls Hamas, opened up a path for them to come in and kill innocent Jewish Civilians. Then they used this to justify a genocide on Palestinians so they can one day steal the land.
The ADL commies are also going crazy because they can clearly see everyone on Earth has turned against Israel. (not the Civilians but against the Government which is controlled by Rothschild).
Understand how to differentiate between real users and Agent Smiths. Agent Smiths are just Feds and other cult members that are there to poison the conversations normal users are having.
The right wing places have been getting this talking point as well: