a) Greek systēma "organized whole, a whole compounded of parts"...that's the suggested fiction tempting one to ignore that perceivable whole sets itself apart into each ones partial perception.
b) Perceivable whole doesn't say (utter words)...it moves sound.
media trickery
Latin medius - "middle"...being implies middle (perception) of everything (perceivable)...ones consent to suggested "media" tempts one to ignore that.
Suggestion tricks consent to ignore perception....IF one chooses to consent to it.
2+2 does not equal 5, but 4...
Equal (inception towards death) generates diverse (life) by setting itself apart from one another...others suggest name/number/noun/designation of units (Latin unitas; unus; one) to distract one from discerning self by counting others.
the answer is
Suggested questions tempt one onto a quest towards outcomes; while answers tempt one to wait for the suggestions by others...both tempt problem (life) to ignore solution (inception towards death) aka tempting one with suggested outcomes to ignore perceivable origin.
burning books
Amazon "kindle fire"...
an unwilling slave...
...cannot exist. Why? Because ones free "will" of choice (slave) selects chosen ones (master) suggestion. Consenting to suggested implies buying into the temptation of selling self out to another.
Free will of choice cannot be enslaved by another...only shirked by oneself onto another.
all of history is...
He-brew His-story to trick you/jew to fall for it...aka spell-craft. Nature reveals everything (perceivable) to each one (perception)...others tempt one to store suggested within ones consenting mind/memory.
actors posing as something else
If an actor has a director; then that implies "reactor"...that's the suggested inversion of perceivable...being reaction (life) within direction (inception towards death) aka reactor (temporary growth) within generator (ongoing loss).
dark ages
Age (period of life) implies ones life...ignoring that for the suggested ages of others keeps ones discernment within darkness. Being alive implies a ray of light aka that which the light brings by setting itself apart into a visible light spectrum for each hue-man within anima-tion.
Sleight of hand: "exit light" (discernment) "enter night" (ignorance) "take my hand" (consent to my suggestion) "and we're off to never-neverland" (ones ignored potential among others).
do not fight one another
Reason implies the foundation of all conflicts, and ones consent to anything suggested by another tempts one into a conflict of reason aka want vs not want; true vs false; belief vs disbelief; yes vs no; on vs off; right vs wrong; good vs evil; big mac vs whopper; pepsi vs coke; us vs them; left vs right; up vs down; white vs black; red vs blue etc.
Reasoning over suggested tempts one to ignore implication (if/then) of perceivable.
Implication (mishnah) over reason (gemara) aka talmudic reasoning.
work together
Sleight of hand: "Work will set you free" (Arbeit macht frei) aka EN'ERGY, noun (Greek work) - "internal or inherent power" setting each one within as free will of choice.
Nature sets itself apart...those within tempt each other together.
coming together
Aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one) aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) aka abrahamism (father of multitude) aka miscegenation; multiculturalism; mass migration; mongrelization; melting pot aka equality (same) through diversity (difference) aka united states; united nations; european union; united kingdom; soviet union; uniformity; university; unicode; universal basic income; universal pictures; unicef; unisex aka "there comes a time when we need to heed a certain call; when the world must come together as one"
Meanwhile in reality...being ONE implies apart from ONE another aka "all for one and one for all" aka "there can be only one" aka "alone...all(in)one" aka whole (oneness) generating partials (ones).
to seek out such knowledge
To see (perceive) implies knowledge; to seek (suggested) implies understanding aka standing-under another. One needs to see; one wants to seek...seeking distorts ones sight with what others suggest one to watch.
Watching what another suggests reduces ones sight within all perceivable by focusing aka a point where rays of light meet. A point implies end of sentence, while being a ray of light implies ones life-sentence before point of death.
who we are, where we are, and what we're doing there
Suggested pluralism (we) tempts perceiving singular (one) to ignore self discernment. Only oneself can discern who; where; what and why of being...consenting to the suggestion thereof contradicts self discernment.
Aka enter tame mind....ones consent permits suggested information by another to enter and tame ones mind. Perceivable inspiration cannot be held onto; hence choosing to hold onto suggested information tempting one to tame ones own free spirited mind/memory.
a) Greek systēma "organized whole, a whole compounded of parts"...that's the suggested fiction tempting one to ignore that perceivable whole sets itself apart into each ones partial perception.
b) Perceivable whole doesn't say (utter words)...it moves sound.
Latin medius - "middle"...being implies middle (perception) of everything (perceivable)...ones consent to suggested "media" tempts one to ignore that.
Suggestion tricks consent to ignore perception....IF one chooses to consent to it.
Equal (inception towards death) generates diverse (life) by setting itself apart from one another...others suggest name/number/noun/designation of units (Latin unitas; unus; one) to distract one from discerning self by counting others.
Suggested questions tempt one onto a quest towards outcomes; while answers tempt one to wait for the suggestions by others...both tempt problem (life) to ignore solution (inception towards death) aka tempting one with suggested outcomes to ignore perceivable origin.
Amazon "kindle fire"...
...cannot exist. Why? Because ones free "will" of choice (slave) selects chosen ones (master) suggestion. Consenting to suggested implies buying into the temptation of selling self out to another.
Free will of choice cannot be enslaved by another...only shirked by oneself onto another.
He-brew His-story to trick you/jew to fall for it...aka spell-craft. Nature reveals everything (perceivable) to each one (perception)...others tempt one to store suggested within ones consenting mind/memory.
If an actor has a director; then that implies "reactor"...that's the suggested inversion of perceivable...being reaction (life) within direction (inception towards death) aka reactor (temporary growth) within generator (ongoing loss).
Age (period of life) implies ones life...ignoring that for the suggested ages of others keeps ones discernment within darkness. Being alive implies a ray of light aka that which the light brings by setting itself apart into a visible light spectrum for each hue-man within anima-tion.
Sleight of hand: "exit light" (discernment) "enter night" (ignorance) "take my hand" (consent to my suggestion) "and we're off to never-neverland" (ones ignored potential among others).
Reason implies the foundation of all conflicts, and ones consent to anything suggested by another tempts one into a conflict of reason aka want vs not want; true vs false; belief vs disbelief; yes vs no; on vs off; right vs wrong; good vs evil; big mac vs whopper; pepsi vs coke; us vs them; left vs right; up vs down; white vs black; red vs blue etc.
Reasoning over suggested tempts one to ignore implication (if/then) of perceivable.
Implication (mishnah) over reason (gemara) aka talmudic reasoning.
Sleight of hand: "Work will set you free" (Arbeit macht frei) aka EN'ERGY, noun (Greek work) - "internal or inherent power" setting each one within as free will of choice.
Nature sets itself apart...those within tempt each other together.
Aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one) aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) aka abrahamism (father of multitude) aka miscegenation; multiculturalism; mass migration; mongrelization; melting pot aka equality (same) through diversity (difference) aka united states; united nations; european union; united kingdom; soviet union; uniformity; university; unicode; universal basic income; universal pictures; unicef; unisex aka "there comes a time when we need to heed a certain call; when the world must come together as one"
Meanwhile in reality...being ONE implies apart from ONE another aka "all for one and one for all" aka "there can be only one" aka "alone...all(in)one" aka whole (oneness) generating partials (ones).
To see (perceive) implies knowledge; to seek (suggested) implies understanding aka standing-under another. One needs to see; one wants to seek...seeking distorts ones sight with what others suggest one to watch.
Watching what another suggests reduces ones sight within all perceivable by focusing aka a point where rays of light meet. A point implies end of sentence, while being a ray of light implies ones life-sentence before point of death.
Suggested pluralism (we) tempts perceiving singular (one) to ignore self discernment. Only oneself can discern who; where; what and why of being...consenting to the suggestion thereof contradicts self discernment.
Aka enter tame mind....ones consent permits suggested information by another to enter and tame ones mind. Perceivable inspiration cannot be held onto; hence choosing to hold onto suggested information tempting one to tame ones own free spirited mind/memory.