We can at least name the very visible satanic/luciferian enemy that wants to enslave us from out the United Nations (Lucis Trust) spawn of the illuminati, and Klaus "Illuminazi" Schwab's Great Reset of the WEF.
And you can see Bilderberg, and the 13 elite bloodlines once you peel that onion, but I agree that the real faces behind the NWO will forever be hidden by the hands of the devil himself.
We can't even name our enemy
Find the most prestigious prep schools/Ivy league yearbooks about 20 years ago determine who is not an enemy and what you have left will be
We can at least name the very visible satanic/luciferian enemy that wants to enslave us from out the United Nations (Lucis Trust) spawn of the illuminati, and Klaus "Illuminazi" Schwab's Great Reset of the WEF.
And you can see Bilderberg, and the 13 elite bloodlines once you peel that onion, but I agree that the real faces behind the NWO will forever be hidden by the hands of the devil himself.