Believe me -- they do not make COs like they used to. They have been manufactured from cheap stock for decades now -- and most who were bred from infantry in Vietnam, have aged out, and we are left with either no combat experience stars and suspiciously ranked stars like the women, fags and blacks who at best served empty stations for a paycheck long enough where they became Brig Gen by rank only. Modern USMIL is a fucking embarrassment and shd be burned down. Aym glad white nationalist parents and white Gen Z are turned off by the current climate and not enlisting. At least we will know who are enemies are in the civil war -- as plain as black and white
Knew too many NCOs who were absolute units who will never see the credit they deserve. Those are the guys who shd be holding political offices, not suits. The whole of America changed when men who served were who were a standard for electability --> now having a business, even if it went bankrupt or sold garbage, is the standard.
Believe me -- they do not make COs like they used to. They have been manufactured from cheap stock for decades now -- and most who were bred from infantry in Vietnam, have aged out, and we are left with either no combat experience stars and suspiciously ranked stars like the women, fags and blacks who at best served empty stations for a paycheck long enough where they became Brig Gen by rank only. Modern USMIL is a fucking embarrassment and shd be burned down. Aym glad white nationalist parents and white Gen Z are turned off by the current climate and not enlisting. At least we will know who are enemies are in the civil war -- as plain as black and white
I think in the last 75 years there's been only two officers worth their salt, Charlie Beckwith and Danny Sjursen
Knew too many NCOs who were absolute units who will never see the credit they deserve. Those are the guys who shd be holding political offices, not suits. The whole of America changed when men who served were who were a standard for electability --> now having a business, even if it went bankrupt or sold garbage, is the standard.