Tucker Carlson does not represent me. Why don't you go sit down in a coffee house and have a conversation with a real person and learn that smart people are the ones who learn from their mistakes, not those that hold unrealistic expectations of others while not holding themselves to the same standard.
If an individual has influence over a large population of people you find like-minded -- then it does not matter if you in the minority do not BELIEVE he does not represent you -- he influences the majority there by then he represents the actions the influenced actions of the group.
Denial of this by claiming having individualized conversations then demonstrates your inability to perceive the whole.
Fact is that Tucker has a large share of the market of influence over white nationalists and there by if you are also a white nationalist (presuming based on being here but aym skeptical) then Tucker Carlson has sway over perception and guidance of such a movement.
Have the same individualized conversation and ask if Tucker represents white nationalists and the majority will say yes.
You are not an individual as much as you want to be. You can either join the herd and move in direction or join another herd and move in another. No matter what, you are a part of some herd.
Tucker Carlson does not represent me. Why don't you go sit down in a coffee house and have a conversation with a real person and learn that smart people are the ones who learn from their mistakes, not those that hold unrealistic expectations of others while not holding themselves to the same standard.
If an individual has influence over a large population of people you find like-minded -- then it does not matter if you in the minority do not BELIEVE he does not represent you -- he influences the majority there by then he represents the actions the influenced actions of the group.
Denial of this by claiming having individualized conversations then demonstrates your inability to perceive the whole.
Fact is that Tucker has a large share of the market of influence over white nationalists and there by if you are also a white nationalist (presuming based on being here but aym skeptical) then Tucker Carlson has sway over perception and guidance of such a movement.
Have the same individualized conversation and ask if Tucker represents white nationalists and the majority will say yes.
You are not an individual as much as you want to be. You can either join the herd and move in direction or join another herd and move in another. No matter what, you are a part of some herd.
I know which you are, can you guess which I am? Nietzsches Sheep and Wolves