The remote piloting of a "ghost ship" to a fairly small target is probably not that easy, so that would explain the steering corrections. The power loss would then just be someone flicking the switch on and off to create the cover story. Then they had to erase part of the black box to destroy record of all the things the crew would never do and lack of actions they would certainly take.
And supposedly a harbor pilot was in control, so shouldn't we have heard all about him? You know, the standard rumors about how he was secretly gay and suicidal an a religious zealot? Nope, no discussion of him.
Maybe that's because there was no pilot on board, or anyone else.
This story is floating around out there, from a site most discount as fictional, and even the article itself admits the rumor has not been confirmed:
White Hats Suggest Dali Unmanned at Time of Collision (RRN 3/27/2024)
The remote piloting of a "ghost ship" to a fairly small target is probably not that easy, so that would explain the steering corrections. The power loss would then just be someone flicking the switch on and off to create the cover story. Then they had to erase part of the black box to destroy record of all the things the crew would never do and lack of actions they would certainly take.
And supposedly a harbor pilot was in control, so shouldn't we have heard all about him? You know, the standard rumors about how he was secretly gay and suicidal an a religious zealot? Nope, no discussion of him.
Maybe that's because there was no pilot on board, or anyone else.