ok.. there's a wiki page about this.
The preceding revision of the document was in 1614.
I scrolled though the old scan latin one just to see what was going on. Looked for an english translation.
The wiki page has a text file though.
"The second part of the Roman Ritual, containing the exorcism ritual in its entirety"
I was scrolling down.. saw this part.. "The fall of man caused lower creatures to be separated from God". I was there.. hey that sounds like what that polymath researcher guy was talking about the other day, what the covid injection would do. The nano tech would stop your body from the spirit being able to connect with it. It's like they're causing this separation from god, like what goes on with these entities that they gotta deal with during exorcisms. lol.
Being implies as partial within whole...suggested creationism (out of nothing) tempts one to ignore origin of separation for division among other beings.
Ex (out of) horkos (oath) implies ones consent to suggested -ism, which binds one to another.
Oath implies being holding onto each others suggestions; while ignoring that perceivable implies oath-breaking. In other words...whatever form (life) holds onto; flow (inception towards death) breaks apart.
Spirit (Latin spiro; to breathe) implies solid (life) adapting to fluid (inception towards death)...others suggest "stop" and "connect" to distract one from discerning that motion sets apart, and therefore that one is partial matter within whole motion.
To suggest that "they're causing" contradicts the one and only cause (god)...if one consents to believe it.
What polymath researcher guy?
You were wondering..
1 points 12 days ago What polymath researcher guy?
Lemme check the bookmarks there..
Search - BitChute for harald kautz vella
black goo guy.. and wind up at like how he figured out more of what was going on with the covid injections. What I was onto about how it's nano tech and they can over-ride whoever got injected. lol.