Being YOND, adjective - "mad; furious, or alienated in mind; that is, gone, wandering, and allied to the preceding"... about suggested; tempts one to ignore sight (perception) within see/sea (perceivable).
a) UN (negative signification) implies Latin negare - "to deny" aka ones free will of choice to ignore/deny perceivable inspiration for suggested information. Others suggest nihil-ism to tempt ones consent to de-nial perceivable.
b) Lock is suggested as an enclosure for one to open...nature generates an enclosure (inception towards death) to open/close those within (life). As long as one is alive; so long all is open to one.
Ignoring perceivable for suggested...closes oneself from ones surrounding, while permitting others to suggest keys to unlock "hidden knowledge".
Sleight of hand for those with eyes to see...the stone which binds (consent to suggested) an arch (growth within loss) is called a "key-stone".
Intuition implies as perceived by self; not as suggested by another; hence inspiration coming in before reasoning or deducting over information held within.
Example...being exists before name. Consenting to suggested name diminishes intuition as perceiving being.
Being YOND, adjective - "mad; furious, or alienated in mind; that is, gone, wandering, and allied to the preceding"... about suggested; tempts one to ignore sight (perception) within see/sea (perceivable).
a) UN (negative signification) implies Latin negare - "to deny" aka ones free will of choice to ignore/deny perceivable inspiration for suggested information. Others suggest nihil-ism to tempt ones consent to de-nial perceivable.
b) Lock is suggested as an enclosure for one to open...nature generates an enclosure (inception towards death) to open/close those within (life). As long as one is alive; so long all is open to one.
Ignoring perceivable for suggested...closes oneself from ones surrounding, while permitting others to suggest keys to unlock "hidden knowledge".
Sleight of hand for those with eyes to see...the stone which binds (consent to suggested) an arch (growth within loss) is called a "key-stone".
Intuition implies as perceived by self; not as suggested by another; hence inspiration coming in before reasoning or deducting over information held within.
Example...being exists before name. Consenting to suggested name diminishes intuition as perceiving being.