Pretty simple There is no money in it. Unless somebody with a large bank account finds this interesting enough to invest that money for an altruistic reason there will never be a drive to do it. The my pillow guy didn't make money for documenting the 2024 steal. Dinesh prob didn't even break even for 2000 mules. There must be a motivating factor for people AND they must have the funds to do so. Science became business a long time ago.
Pretty simple There is no money in it. Unless somebody with a large bank account finds this interesting enough to invest that money for an altruistic reason there will never be a drive to do it. The my pillow guy didn't make money for documenting the 2024 steal. Dinesh prob didn't even break even for 2000 mules. There must be a motivating factor for people AND they must have the funds to do so. Science became business a long time ago.
Agreed, but the test I described is NOT expensive.