Phil is used to pretend 'redpill' the hostesses, so they can deny knowing all about their schemes and even pretend to be 'mortified' by what their team will be shown to have done, then it's all about letting them be the leaders of the way out. As IF.
btw: Has 'Dr.' Phil gotten out of the Pizza Slime Groomer's Ranch business? Asking for a fiend.
This show is a detriment to the future of earth.
It's not about the show it's about a white man "mansplaining" the truth to an intentionally diverse cast and watching the looks on their faces
I see and I understand. However, my hope grows dim.
Dr. Phil isn't just a man, he is a recognized name brand.
Few others could pull this off without getting dismissed.
Very astute observation
Whoopi's attempt at saving face was feeble and hilarious
been awhile since whoopi was funny. even unintentionally.
When terrorists feel uncomfortable I find it funny.
Don't post this trash. Don't acknowledge it exists.
Everyone on that show should be impaled.
Show them "the view" from the top of a pole.
It's not always the medium that matters but the art itself
Phil is used to pretend 'redpill' the hostesses, so they can deny knowing all about their schemes and even pretend to be 'mortified' by what their team will be shown to have done, then it's all about letting them be the leaders of the way out. As IF.
btw: Has 'Dr.' Phil gotten out of the Pizza Slime Groomer's Ranch business? Asking for a fiend.
I wouldn't piss on that man if he was on fire but in this context what he is saying is the truth. Even a blind squirrel is right twice a day.
Phil's truths will be only the suddenly glaringly obvious truths they're forced to admit as the water falls.
In my opinion they're using the sharpest tools they have to control the narrative because they are losing control.
We could only hope Phil is the sharpest tool in the shed.
A list of the cabals known mouthpieces could be very useful