DERIVE, verb (Latin; a stream) - "to draw from, as in a regular course or channel; to receive from a source by a regular conveyance".
DISPLAY, verb - " to unfold; hence, to open; to spread wide; to expand"
Matter (life) derives from motion (inception towards death)...only then can solid be displayed within the boundary of fluid.
monitor shows...activity
a) If it's monitoring; then it reacts to something Furthermore; the MON in monitor implies mono; sole; singular, which is what motion (whole oneness) is for matter (partial ones).
b) Your consent to the suggested box (monitor) permits others to monitor you, while tempting you to watch "activity", while ignoring to be "re-active".
The line is secondary and only a derivative of the primary activity, which is the actual heart beating.
HEART, noun (Latin cor, cordis) - "core"'s the periphery (inception towards death) which generates the core (life).
The foundation for this deception is ones consent to suggested "creationism" aka something out of nothing (in this case; heart creating beat). In reality...sound generates BEAT, verb (Latin batuo; abate) - "to decrease; to lessen; to diminish; to moderate".
How? By differentiating whole (loss) into partials (growth). Sound generating beats implies PULSE, noun (Latin pulsus, from pello, to drive). Energy pulsates internally.
I get so tired of all the shit you post
Resistance (life) within velocity (inception towards death) diminishes (tires out) if holding onto. Holding onto "shit" implies constipation of matter withing motion.
Which you do purposely to disrupt.
a) Disruption (setting apart) implies being partial (perception) within whole (inception towards death). Notice that the ongoing process of dying (motion) disrupts itself into temporary living (matter).
b) PUR'POSE, noun (Latin propositum) aka before (motion) position (matter) are being tricked to see purpose within matter; while seeking purposes towards outcomes.
I comprehend being positioned within that which came before, hence "before" implying "forward being" aka out of origin...a transmutation; not a creation.
all you do
Each one (partial) is done by all (whole) can only re-do aka respond (life) to being done by (inception towards death).
schizo word salad son of a bitch troll.
No matter how many nouns; names; brands; idols; definitions; suggested information etc. one tries to attach to another....labeling nature (motion) only erases self (matter).
Aka organs of motion...consider electro (motion) magnetic (matter) aka magnetic organs (matter) within electric (motion) body (momentum).
Matter (life) derives from motion (inception towards death)...only then can solid be displayed within the boundary of fluid.
a) If it's monitoring; then it reacts to something Furthermore; the MON in monitor implies mono; sole; singular, which is what motion (whole oneness) is for matter (partial ones).
b) Your consent to the suggested box (monitor) permits others to monitor you, while tempting you to watch "activity", while ignoring to be "re-active".
HEART, noun (Latin cor, cordis) - "core"'s the periphery (inception towards death) which generates the core (life).
The foundation for this deception is ones consent to suggested "creationism" aka something out of nothing (in this case; heart creating beat). In reality...sound generates BEAT, verb (Latin batuo; abate) - "to decrease; to lessen; to diminish; to moderate".
How? By differentiating whole (loss) into partials (growth). Sound generating beats implies PULSE, noun (Latin pulsus, from pello, to drive). Energy pulsates internally.
Resistance (life) within velocity (inception towards death) diminishes (tires out) if holding onto. Holding onto "shit" implies constipation of matter withing motion.
a) Disruption (setting apart) implies being partial (perception) within whole (inception towards death). Notice that the ongoing process of dying (motion) disrupts itself into temporary living (matter).
b) PUR'POSE, noun (Latin propositum) aka before (motion) position (matter) are being tricked to see purpose within matter; while seeking purposes towards outcomes.
I comprehend being positioned within that which came before, hence "before" implying "forward being" aka out of origin...a transmutation; not a creation.
Each one (partial) is done by all (whole) can only re-do aka respond (life) to being done by (inception towards death).
No matter how many nouns; names; brands; idols; definitions; suggested information etc. one tries to attach to another....labeling nature (motion) only erases self (matter).
Aka organs of motion...consider electro (motion) magnetic (matter) aka magnetic organs (matter) within electric (motion) body (momentum).