Yes, once the systems biology, computational power, animal testing and protein folding incl. downstream reactions has advanced to the level that we have an inkling of what we are doing with AND we can actually manufacture such products at a scale (for pharma delivery) AND we actually trust the fuckers designing/manufacturing/administering such products to be on our side and thinking of our best interest (not their profits, not "eternal customers", not "alleviating symptoms", not "depopulation). Yes then.
Yes, once the systems biology, computational power, animal testing and protein folding incl. downstream reactions has advanced to the level that we have an inkling of what we are doing with AND we can actually manufacture such products at a scale (for pharma delivery) AND we actually trust the fuckers designing/manufacturing/administering such products to be on our side and thinking of our best interest (not their profits, not "eternal customers", not "alleviating symptoms", not "depopulation). Yes then.
Which is equal to NEVER FUCKING EVER.
Really, wake up.